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Ijin Hong


15-21 July 2018: Ways out of Dualism? the Politics of LM Reform in Japan and South Korea (with Kwon, S., and Ahn, J.); The Uses of Social Investment in East Asia: How Work-Family Reconciliation Policies Make the Labour Market ‘Flow’ in Japan, Korea and Taiwan (with Lee J.). 19th World Congress of the International Sociological Association (ISA), Toronto.

Authors15-21 July 2018: Ways out of Dualism? the Politics of LM Reform in Japan and South Korea (with Kwon, S., and Ahn, J.); The Uses of Social Investment in East Asia: How Work-Family Reconciliation Policies Make the Labour Market ‘Flow’ in Japan, Korea and Taiwan (with Lee J.). 19th World Congress of the International Sociological Association (ISA), Toronto.
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