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YearProject TitleParticipatorJob TitlePeriodUnit
2024The Small Welfare State? Rethinking the Reform Politics of the East Asian Welfare StatePrincipal Investigator2024.8 ~ 2026.7 National Science and Technology Council
2023-2024Evaluating and Theorising Developments of China's Private Fintech Platforms and Green Fintech in the BRI and DSR Countries through the Lens of Weaponising InterdependenceChiu-Wan LiuPrincipal InvestigatorAug.2023-Jul.2024National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
2023-2023國立臺灣大學高等教育深耕計畫特色領域研究中心【子計畫三:人口與家庭轉型】Research Team Led by Prof. Pei-Chia LanResearcherJan.2023-Dec.2023Taiwan Research Center for Resilient Society
2023Post-pandemic Welfare State Transformations in East Asia: Exploring Social Policy Implications of the Digital EconomyPrincipal Investigator2023.08~2024.07 National Science and Technology Council
2022Survey on the Living Conditions of Homeless People in TaipeiShih-Jiunn Shi, Shu-Jung LiPrincipal Investigator2022.03~2022.11 Taipei Municipal Government Bureau of Social Affairs
2021-2024臺灣人工智慧(AI)技術發展的社會成本與治理準則Research Team Led by Prof. Yu-tzung ChangCo-Principal InvestigatorJun.2021- Mar.2024CTCI Foundation
2021-2023Development of Financial Technology and Reconfiguration of Authoritarian Capitalism in ChinaChiu-Wan LiuPrincipal InvestigatorMar.2021-Feb.2023National Science and Technology Council, Taiwan
2021 The Covid-19 Pandemic Crisis and Social Policy Responses: Continuity and Change of East Asian Welfare StatesPrincipal Investigator2021.08~2023.07Ministry of Science and Technology
2020-2021中國金融科技與威權資本主義的再集權化Chiu-Wan LiuPrincipal InvestigatorAug.2020- Dec.2021高等教育深耕計畫─新進年輕教師創始經費
20202020年科技部獎助專題研究計畫(一般型研究計畫)「近代日本學知與韓國儒學史——以韓日儒學普遍化的異同為核心」(計畫編號 MOST 109-2410-H-002 -102 -MY2)109/08/01 ~ 111/07/31 計畫主持人
20202020年高等教育深耕計畫一核心研究群計畫「朝鮮儒學的關鍵字詞:實學」 (計畫代碼109L890107 )計畫主持人
20192019年高等教育深耕計畫一核心研究群計畫「朝鮮儒學的關鍵字詞:實學」 (計畫代碼108L890107)計畫主持人
2019The Emergence of Welfare Markets? Changing Public-Private Mixes in East Asian Social PolicyPrincipal Investigator2019.08 ~ 2021.07Ministry of Science and Technology
20182018年科技部獎助專題研究計畫(一般型研究計畫) 「爬梳「實學」在東亞的交錯」(計畫編號MOST107-2410-H-002-151)107/08/01 ~108/07731計畫主持人
20182018年高等教深深耕計畫一核心研究群計畫「朝鮮儒學的關鍵字詞:實學」 (計畫代碼107L890107)計畫主持人
2018East Asian Social Policy Turn? Exploring Ideas and Institutions of Social Investment in Taiwan and South KoreaPrincipal Investigator2018.08 ~ 2019.07Ministry of Science and Technology
20172017年科技部獎助專題研究計畫(一般型研究計畫)「反思殖民時代韓國「實學」概念的扭曲」(計畫編號:MOST 106-2410-H-002-112)。計畫主持人
2017Understanding the Ideational and Historical Changes of China′s Social Policy in Context of Southern WelfarePrincipal Investigator2017.09 ~ 2018.06Ministry of Science and Technology