2024Ijin Hong, Fen-Ling Chen, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2024). Political Economy of the East Asian Welfare States: Partisan Politics in Social Investment Policies in South Korea and Taiwan. In: Amilcar Manuel Reis Moreira, Minna van Gerven, and Bent Greve (eds), Handbook of the Political Economy of Social Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar,265-281.
2024Chang, Kuo-Hui, Gary L. Downey* and Bono Po-Jen Shih. (2024). Engineers and the Two Taiwans: the Abnormal Club. Forthcoming. Cham., Switzerland: Springer Nature.
2024〈朝鮮後期儒學史的關鍵――以《四書大全》與《四書集評》為核心〉,《東亞區域意識的建構史》,9787522829104,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,47-69, 2024/03, 316
2024Hsiu-Yu Tori Fan. Citizenship and Immigration Law in Taiwan (forthcoming). Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Asian Law. Dec, 2023. (Accepted)
2023〈朝鮮時代的知識人和朱子學〉,《古典與東亞—Local 知識學講説》,9791169102018,首爾:Midas Books
2023Yeh, C. & Hong, I. (2023). Public opinion and social policy reforms in East Asia. In M. Mizuhara (eds.). A Research Agenda for East Asian Social Policy. Edward Elgar. 63-84.
2023Hong, I. (2023). Comparative theoretical and methodological approaches in social policy teaching. In Z. Irving (eds.). Teaching International, Comparative and Global Social Policy. Edward Elgar
2023Hong, I., Nahm, J.W., Yeh, C. (2023). Labour Market Policy Reform in East Asia: From Economic Crises to Welfare Politics. In N. Durazzi, D. Clegg (eds.). Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Rich Democracies. Edward Elgar
2023Kühner, Stefan and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2023). Diversity of Institutional Change in East Asian Social Investment Policy: the Cases of Hong Kong and Taiwan. In: Misa Izuhara (ed). A Research Agenda for East Asian Social Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 13-36.
2022〈메이지전기한학비판의배경-후쿠자와유키치를중심으로(明治前期漢學批判的背景-以福澤諭吉為核心)〉,《일본학문의 근대적 전환(日本學術的近代性轉換)》, 9788952130525,首爾:首爾大學出版文化中心
2022〈經學史與「尊古」〉,《朱子學的過去與未來》, 東京:東京大學東藝文書院;東京:東京大學出版會
2022홍이진 (2022) “코로나 위기 대비 이탈리아 복지정치의 변화”. 은민수⋅박성호⋅손영우⋅손정욱⋅장선화⋅홍이진⋅김영필⋅임유진⋅김석동 지음. 경제위기 이후 복지정치와 사회복지정책. 한국학술정보
2022Hong, I., Yeh, C., Lee, J., Lue, J.D. (2022) “Public opinion on social investment in the developmental states”, in J. Garritzmann, S. Häusermann and B. Palier (eds). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II): The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies: Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
2022Hong, I. (2022). “East Asia: Welfare determinants and issues in the post-developmentalism era”. In Greve B. (eds.). De Gruyter Handbook of the Contemporary Welfare States. De Gruyter.
2022范秀羽(2022年03月)。第四章:表現自由/ 第五章:秘密通訊、信仰宗教與集會結社自由 。憲法講義 (元照出版) (ISBN:978-957-511-687-3)(295-332)。台北:元照。
2022張國暉。〈高鐵創新及運作的社會脈絡〉,收入《科技/社會/人 4:跟著關鍵物去旅行》,林文源、郭文華、王秀雲、楊谷洋編著,頁306-323。新竹:國立陽明交通大學。
2022張國暉。〈每人都有貧窮之處,也都可能因之受懲罰〉(推薦序),Virginia Eubanks(維吉尼亞・尤班克斯)(2018)著,洪慧芳譯,《懲罰貧窮:大數據橫行的自動化時代,隱藏在演算法之下的不平等歧視》(Automating Inequality:How High-Tech Tools Profile, Police, and Punish the Poor),頁16-18。台北:寶鼎。
2021새로 쓰는 17세기 조선유학사(重談 17 世紀朝鮮儒學史),9791156121923,首爾:푸른역사
2021Hong, I. , Lee, J. (2021) Does Social Investment make the Labour Market ‘Flow’? Family Policies and Institutional Complementarities in Italy, Spain, Japan and South Korea, in Y.J. Choi, T. Fleckenstein, S. C. Lee (eds.), Welfare Reform and Social Investment Policy in Europe and East Asia, Policy Press
2021潘維大、姚思遠、何婉君、范秀羽、王震宇 編著(2021年09月)。英美侵權行為法基本原則與案例 Anglo-American Law of Torts: Basic Principles and Cases(ISBN:9789865261269)(1)。台北:新學林。
2021姚思遠、范秀羽、李劍非 編著(2021年09月)。美國憲法基本原則與案例 American Constitutional Law:Basic Principles and Cases(ISBN:9789865261252)(1)。台北:新學林。
2021張國暉。〈科學家與大政府〉(推薦序),Michael Hiltzik(麥可.西爾吉克)(2015)著,林俊宏譯,《大科學:從經濟大蕭條到冷戰,軍工複合體的誕生》(Big Science: Ernest Lawrence and the Invention That Launched the Military-Industrial Complex),頁vii-xviii。台北:左岸。
2021張國暉。〈第2章 科技與社會〉,收入《普通高中選修歷史II (全) 科技、環境與藝術的歷史》。新北:龍騰。
2021施世駿(編),《人口高齡化與社會福利—社會投資政策轉型研究》。台北: 國家衛生研究院。
2021Shih-Jiunn Shi, Social Security: The Career of a Contested Social Idea in China during the Reform Era, 1978–2020. In: One Hundred Years of Social Protection - The Changing Social Question in Brazil, India, China, and South Africa, edited by Lutz Leisering. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.91-117
2020《被誤讀的儒學史:國家存亡關頭的思想,十七世紀朝鮮儒學新論》,臺北:聯經出版公司, 9789570856507,2020/12, 296
2020홍이진 (2020). 정책 도구로서의 최저임금제에 대한 고찰. OECD 복지국가의 경험을 중심으로. 사회정책연구회. 복지국가 쟁점2. 한울아카데미
2020홍이진 (2020). 이탈리아의 코로나19와 아동돌봄 분야의 대응 정책. 국제협력 연구 및 국제심포지움: COVID-19와 국가별 아동돌봄. 보건사회연구원
2020홍이진 (2020). 이탈리아 내 코로나19로 인한 사회 경제적인 영향 및 복지와 고용 정책 대응. 사회보장정책연구 국제화 및 국제사회보장 DB 구축 사업. 보건사회연구원
2019Shih-Jiunn Shi, 〈中國大陸社會變遷與社會政策〉, 載於:徐斯勤(編),《「十八大」以來中國大陸的發展與變遷》, 台北:行政院大陸委員會, 247-274
2019從老大哥到大數據:國家大型人體生物資料庫的隱 私權議題。台灣的後基因體時代:新科技的典範轉移與挑戰(ISBN:978- 957-8614-23-9)(pp.226-251)。台灣:交通大學出版社。
2019周桂田、張國暉、翁渝婷、黃翰榆, 《日常生活的能源革命:八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事》, 〈序章:未來的藍天是否變成一種奢求〉, 春山, 頁39-42
2019張國暉、徐健銘, 《日常生活的能源革命:八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事》, 〈序章:能源政策歷程的重點—從轉向到轉歪〉, 春山, 頁20-27
2019張國暉、周桂田, 《日常生活的能源革命:八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事》, 〈終章:臺灣的能源政策想像〉, 春山, 頁299-323
2019周桂田、張國暉, 《日常生活的能源革命:八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事》, 〈序文〉、〈導言:我們應該要預備一個安全世代〉, 春山, 頁7、11-19
2019張國暉、翁渝婷、黃翰榆, 《日常生活的能源革命:八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事》, 〈序章:能源的主爭點在電力〉, 春山, 頁28-38
2018〈韓國學術史の形成と近代日本-朝鮮儒者の「中華」意識に對する再考〉,《近代日本哲學と東アジア》(第三章) ,978-986-350-337-8,臺北:國立臺灣大學出版中心,69-116, 2019/06
2018Hong, I. (Eds.) (2018). Social Security Systems in Key Countries: Italy (vol.7). Sejong: KIHASA, Nanam (in Korean: 홍이진 외(2018). 주요국의 사회보장제도7-이탈리아의 사회보장제도. 세종: 한국보건사회연구원, 나남)
2018Shih-Jiunn Shi, 〈德國長期照護保險的品質確保與人力規劃-對台灣的借鏡〉, 載於:王麗容(編),《長照需求下的外籍看護勞動權益》, 台北: 徐元智紀念基金會, pp. 147-166
2018張國暉, 《科技/社會/人 3:STS跨領域新驛路》, 〈捷運木柵線:進口的科技如何改變在地工程師?〉, 國立交通大學, 頁160-169
2017《朝鮮儒學史の再定位――十七世紀東アジアから考える》(日文專書),日本東京:東京大學出版會, 9784130362627, 2017/05, 336
2017Hong, I. (2017) Overseas Koreans and dedicated diaspora and emigration policies. In Agnieszka Weinar (eds.) Emigration and Diaspora Policies in the Age of Mobility, Springer. 173-186.
2017Y. Rachel Zhou and Shih-Jiunn Shi, Pension Reforms in the Context of the Global Financial Crisis: A Reincarnation of Pension Privatization through Austerity?, Austerity: The Lived Experience, edited by S. McBride & B. Evans, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 222-247
2017Hsiu-Yu Fan. Female Migrant Spouses as Deserving Subjects of Rights: Migrant Women and Taiwan’s Gender-Equal Courtrooms. International Marriages and Marital Citizenship: Southeast Asian Women on the Move (Routledge) (Peer Reviewed) (Scopus) (ISBN: 9781138214286). New York, NY, USA: Routledge. Jul, 2017: 92-118.
2016張國暉, 《台灣能源轉型十四講》, 〈都市能源轉型與大眾運輸系統〉, 台北:巨流, 2016/03, 頁133-145
20162016. Chien, Shiuh-Shen and Chiu-Wan Liu, Transnational Entrepreneurship and Social Capital: Rebuilding a Taiwanese Temple to Mazu in Kunshan, China, Rethinking Social Capital and Entrepreneurship in Greater China, edited by Jenn-hwan and Ray-May Hsung, Routledge: London, pp. 207-221.
2015實心實學を築いた99人:日中韓思想家ハンドブック,筆者所執筆之朴世堂條目,東京:勉誠出版, 978-4-585-20037-6, 2015/11
2015東亞實學思想家99人(동아시아실학사상가99인),筆者所執筆之朴世堂條目,首爾:學資苑, 9791185395197(1185395199), 2015/11
2015影響東亞的99位實學思想家,筆者所執筆之朴世堂條目,北京:中國財富出版社, 9787504759436, 2015/11
2015Shih-Jiunn Shi, Rural Social Policy, in: China
2015張國暉, 《臺灣風險公共性考察》, 〈當核能系統轉變為科技政體:冷戰下的國際政治與核能發展〉, 台北:遠流, 2015/05, 頁275-328
2015張國暉, 《台灣風險十堂課:食安、科技與環境》, 〈澎湖空難事故及高鐵道岔異常:大型交通運輸科技系統的風險治理〉, 台北:巨流, 2015/07, 頁112-125
2014Hong I., Atteraya, M. (2014). “Evaluation and migration: qualitative perspectives for migrant work in South Korea”. In Kalliola Satu (eds.) Evaluation as a Tool for Research, Learning, and Making Things Better, Cambridge Scholar Publishing
2014Hong, I. (2014). South Korea country report, INTERACT RR 2014/07, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute. http://cadmus.eui.eu/browse?type=author&value=HONG,%20Ijin
2014Park S., Kim B., Kim H., Park S., Park H., Yoon S., Choi Y., Hong I., Kim K., Lee J. (2014). A Comparative Study of Social Services, Seoul, KIHASA (in Korean)
2014Kang E., Park S., Bae H., Lee M., Park E., Oh S., Hong I. (2014). Alternative Strategies to Counter Low Fertility and the Early Ageing Process, Seoul: KIHASA (in Korean).
2014Chung-yang Yeh and Shih-Jiun Shi, Public-Private Pension Mix and Its Governance: Japan and Taiwan Compared , Managing Social Change and Social Policy in Greater China: Welfare Regimes in Transition, edited by Ka Ho MOK and Maggie K. W. LAU, London: Routledge, pp. 170-190
2014張國暉, 《科技/社會/人 2:跨領域新挑戰》, 〈在國家與專業之間的工程師:從法國及日本高鐵的設計看起〉, 新竹:國立交通大學, 頁145-157
2013岩波世界人名大辞典(日文,人物條目),筆者所執筆之朝鮮17世紀的思想家,計有:権尚夏、鄭宗魯、朴世采、朴世堂、柳麟錫、李玄逸、林泳、尹拯、趙聖期,共9人。東京:岩波書店, 9784000803151, 2013/12
2013Shih-Jiunn Shi, 〈從社會保障轉向就業促進:歐盟社會政策治理的演進〉, 朱景鵬(編),《歐盟公共治理發展趨勢與展望─政策與案例分析》, 臺北:臺灣大學出版中心, pp. 209-247
2012Hong, I. (Eds.). (2012). Social Security Systems’ Cases – Italy, Seoul: KIHASA Research Institute, 329 pp. (in Korean: 홍이진 편, (2012) 주요국의 사회보장제도 – 이탈리아, 서울: 보건사회연구원)
2011Shih-Jiunn Shi, 〈東亞福利體制中的社會公民權〉, 王卓祺(編),《東亞福利制度面對的挑戰─全球化、文化及政府角色》, 北京:社會科學文獻出版社, pp. 2-21
2010Shih-Jiun Shi, The Fragmentation of the Old-Age Security System: The Politics of Pension Reform in Taiwan , Social Cohesion in Greater China: Challenges for Social Policy and Governance, edited by Ka-ho MOK and Yeun-wen KU, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 339-371
2009Shih-Jiun Shi and Yeun-wen Ku, Ageing in East Asia: Challenges and Policies for the Twenty-first Century, Perspectives on Ageing in East Asia: The Embeddedness of Institutions, edited by Tsung-hsi FU and Rhidian HUGHES, London: Routledge, Pp. 15-37
2009Shih-Jiun Shi, 〈農村社會政策〉, 岳經綸等(編),《中國社會政策》, 上海人民出版社, pp. 260-279
2009 "520後的中共對台政策", 台北,臺灣大學國家發展研究所兩岸關係研究中心, 2009/06
2007與張五岳合著, 《中國研究導論》(上), 行政院大陸委員會
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2006等, 《海を越えて来る中国の脅威-台湾の国家安全保障に対する挑戦と戦略》, 大屯出版社
2006and the Taiwan Security Research Group, The China Threat Crosses the Strait: Challenges and Strategies for Taiwan’s National Security, Dong Fong Color Printing CO.LTD
2005等著, 《民主化臺灣新國家安全觀》, 先覺出版社
2005《政治學:21世紀的觀點》, 台北,威仕曼文化事業公司, 2005/10
2002F.-X. Kaufmann著,施世駿譯, 《德國福利國家的挑戰》, 臺北:五南圖書出版公司
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1998林繼文, 《兩岸基層選舉與政治社會變遷---哈佛大學東西方學者的對話》
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1993吳乃德, 臺灣光復初期歷史, 中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所
1993胡佛、陳德禹、朱雲漢、徐火炎、游盈隆, 中央選舉委員會