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YearBook Title
2019張國暉、徐健銘, 《日常生活的能源革命:八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事》, 〈序章:能源政策歷程的重點—從轉向到轉歪〉, 春山, 頁20-27
2019周桂田、張國暉、翁渝婷、黃翰榆, 《日常生活的能源革命:八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事》, 〈序章:未來的藍天是否變成一種奢求〉, 春山, 頁39-42
2018Hong, I. (Eds.) (2018). Social Security Systems in Key Countries: Italy (vol.7). Sejong: KIHASA, Nanam (in Korean: 홍이진 외(2018). 주요국의 사회보장제도7-이탈리아의 사회보장제도. 세종: 한국보건사회연구원, 나남)
2018Shih-Jiunn Shi, Quality Control and Manpower Planning in the German Long-Term Care Insurance: Lessons for Taiwan, In: Li-Rong Wang (ed.), Labor Rights of Foreign Domestic Care Workers in Long-Term Care, Taipei: Far Eastern Hsu Yuan-Ze Foundation, pp. 147-166
2018張國暉, 《科技/社會/人 3:STS跨領域新驛路》, 〈捷運木柵線:進口的科技如何改變在地工程師?〉, 國立交通大學, 頁160-169
2017Hong, I. (2017) Overseas Koreans and dedicated diaspora and emigration policies. In Agnieszka Weinar (eds.) Emigration and Diaspora Policies in the Age of Mobility, Springer. 173-186.
2017Y. Rachel Zhou and Shih-Jiunn Shi, Pension Reforms in the Context of the Global Financial Crisis: A Reincarnation of Pension Privatization through Austerity?, Austerity: The Lived Experience, edited by S. McBride & B. Evans, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 222-247
2017《朝鮮儒學史の再定位――十七世紀東アジアから考える》(日文專書), 日本東京:東京大學出版會, 978-4-13-036262-7, 2017/05, 336
2016張國暉, 《台灣能源轉型十四講》, 〈都市能源轉型與大眾運輸系統〉, 台北:巨流, 2016/03, 頁133-145
2015Shih-Jiunn Shi, Rural Social Policy, in: China
2015影響東亞的99位實學思想家, 筆者所執筆之朴世堂條目, 北京:中國財富出版社, 9787504759436, 2015/11
2015東亞實學思想家99人(동아시아실학사상가99인), 筆者所執筆之朴世堂條目, 首爾:學資苑, 9791185395197(1185395199), 2015/11
2015實心實學を築いた99人:日中韓思想家ハンドブック, 筆者所執筆之朴世堂條目, 東京:勉誠出版, 978-4-585-20037-6, 2015/11
2015張國暉, 《台灣風險十堂課:食安、科技與環境》, 〈澎湖空難事故及高鐵道岔異常:大型交通運輸科技系統的風險治理〉, 台北:巨流, 2015/07, 頁112-125
2015張國暉, 《臺灣風險公共性考察》, 〈當核能系統轉變為科技政體:冷戰下的國際政治與核能發展〉, 台北:遠流, 2015/05, 頁275-328
2014Park S., Kim B., Kim H., Park S., Park H., Yoon S., Choi Y., Hong I., Kim K., Lee J. (2014). A Comparative Study of Social Services, Seoul, KIHASA (in Korean)
2014Hong I., Atteraya, M. (2014). “Evaluation and migration: qualitative perspectives for migrant work in South Korea”. In Kalliola Satu (eds.) Evaluation as a Tool for Research, Learning, and Making Things Better, Cambridge Scholar Publishing
2014Hong I., Atteraya, M. (2014). “Evaluation and migration: qualitative perspectives for migrant work in South Korea”. In Kalliola Satu (eds.) Evaluation as a Tool for Research, Learning, and Making Things Better, Cambridge Scholar Publishing
2014Chung-yang Yeh and Shih-Jiun Shi, Public-Private Pension Mix and Its Governance: Japan and Taiwan Compared , Managing Social Change and Social Policy in Greater China: Welfare Regimes in Transition, edited by Ka Ho MOK and Maggie K. W. LAU, London: Routledge, pp. 170-190