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YearBook Title
2024Ijin Hong, Fen-Ling Chen, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2024). Political Economy of the East Asian Welfare States: Partisan Politics in Social Investment Policies in South Korea and Taiwan. In: AMILCAR MANUEL REIS MOREIRA, Minna van Gerven, and Bent Greve (eds), Handbook of the Political Economy of Social Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, forthcoming
2023Yeh, C. & Hong, I. (2023). Public opinion and social policy reforms in East Asia. In M. Mizuhara (eds.). A Research Agenda for East Asian Social Policy. Edward Elgar. 63-84.
2023Hong, I. (2023). Comparative theoretical and methodological approaches in social policy teaching. In Z. Irving (eds.). Teaching International, Comparative and Global Social Policy. Edward Elgar
2023Hong, I., Nahm, J.W., Yeh, C. (2023). Labour Market Policy Reform in East Asia: From Economic Crises to Welfare Politics. In N. Durazzi, D. Clegg (eds.). Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Rich Democracies. Edward Elgar
2023Kühner, Stefan and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2023). Diversity of Institutional Change in East Asian Social Investment Policy: the Cases of Hong Kong and Taiwan. In: Misa Izuhara (ed). A Research Agenda for East Asian Social Policy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, pp. 13-36.
2022Hong, I., Yeh, C., Lee, J., Lue, J.D. (2022) “Public opinion on social investment in the developmental states”, in J. Garritzmann, S. Häusermann and B. Palier (eds). The World Politics of Social Investment (Volume II): The Politics of Varying Social Investment Strategies: Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
2022Hong, I. (2022). “East Asia: Welfare determinants and issues in the post-developmentalism era”. In Greve B. (eds.). De Gruyter Handbook of the Contemporary Welfare States. De Gruyter.
2022홍이진 (2022) “코로나 위기 대비 이탈리아 복지정치의 변화”. 은민수⋅박성호⋅손영우⋅손정욱⋅장선화⋅홍이진⋅김영필⋅임유진⋅김석동 지음. 경제위기 이후 복지정치와 사회복지정책. 한국학술정보
2021Hong, I. , Lee, J. (2021) Does Social Investment make the Labour Market ‘Flow’? Family Policies and Institutional Complementarities in Italy, Spain, Japan and South Korea, in Y.J. Choi, T. Fleckenstein, S. C. Lee (eds.), Welfare Reform and Social Investment Policy in Europe and East Asia, Policy Press
2021Shih-Jiunn Shi (ed), Population Ageing and Social Welfare – Research on Policy Reforms towards Social Investment. Taipei: National Health Research Institutes.
2021Shih-Jiunn Shi, Social Security: The Career of a Contested Social Idea in China during the Reform Era, 1978–2020. In: One Hundred Years of Social Protection - The Changing Social Question in Brazil, India, China, and South Africa, edited by Lutz Leisering. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.91-117
2020홍이진 (2020). 이탈리아 내 코로나19로 인한 사회 경제적인 영향 및 복지와 고용 정책 대응. 사회보장정책연구 국제화 및 국제사회보장 DB 구축 사업. 보건사회연구원
2020홍이진 (2020). 정책 도구로서의 최저임금제에 대한 고찰. OECD 복지국가의 경험을 중심으로. 사회정책연구회. 복지국가 쟁점2. 한울아카데미
2020홍이진 (2020). 이탈리아의 코로나19와 아동돌봄 분야의 대응 정책. 국제협력 연구 및 국제심포지움: COVID-19와 국가별 아동돌봄. 보건사회연구원
2019張兆恬(2019年01月)。從老大哥到大數據:國家大型人體生物資料庫的隱私權議題。台灣的後基因體時代:新科技的典範轉移與挑戰(ISBN:978- 957-8614-23-9)(pp.226-251)。台灣:國立陽明交通大學出版社。
2019Shih-Jiunn Shi, Social Change and Social Policy in China after the 18th CCP Congress, in: Philip Hsu (ed.), Development and Change in China after the 18th CCP Congress, Taipei: Mainland Affairs Council, Executive Yuan, 247-274
2019張國暉、翁渝婷、黃翰榆, 《日常生活的能源革命:八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事》, 〈序章:能源的主爭點在電力〉, 春山, 頁28-38
2019周桂田、張國暉, 《日常生活的能源革命:八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事》, 〈序文〉、〈導言:我們應該要預備一個安全世代〉, 春山, 頁7、11-19
2019張國暉、周桂田, 《日常生活的能源革命:八個臺灣能源轉型先驅者的故事》, 〈終章:臺灣的能源政策想像〉, 春山, 頁299-323