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YearBook Title
2014張國暉, 《科技/社會/人 2:跨領域新挑戰》, 〈在國家與專業之間的工程師:從法國及日本高鐵的設計看起〉, 新竹:國立交通大學, 頁145-157
2013Shih-Jiunn Shi, From Social Protection to Employment Activation: Governance Evolution of EU Social Policy, in: Chin-peng Chu (ed.), EU Public Governance: Development and Prospect, Taipei: NTU Press (in Chinese), pp. 209-247
2013岩波世界人名大辞典(日文,人物條目), 筆者所執筆之朝鮮17世紀的思想家,計有:権尚夏、鄭宗魯、朴世采、朴世堂、柳麟錫、李玄逸、林泳、尹拯、趙聖期,共9人。, 東京:岩波書店, 9784000803151, 2013/12
2012Hong, I. (Eds.). (2012). Social Security Systems’ Cases – Italy, Seoul: KIHASA Research Institute, 329 pp. (in Korean: 홍이진 편, (2012) 주요국의 사회보장제도 – 이탈리아, 서울: 보건사회연구원)
2011Shih-Jiunn Shi, Social Citizenship in East Asian Welfare Regimes, in: C. K. Wong (ed.), Challenges of East Asian Welfare Institutions: Globalization, Culture and Government Roles, Beijing: Social Science Academic Press (in Chinese), pp. 2-21
2010Shih-Jiun Shi, The Fragmentation of the Old-Age Security System: The Politics of Pension Reform in Taiwan , Social Cohesion in Greater China: Challenges for Social Policy and Governance, edited by Ka-ho MOK and Yeun-wen KU, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 339-371
2009Shih-Jiun Shi and Yeun-wen Ku, Ageing in East Asia: Challenges and Policies for the Twenty-first Century, Perspectives on Ageing in East Asia: The Embeddedness of Institutions, edited by Tsung-hsi FU and Rhidian HUGHES, London: Routledge, Pp. 15-37
2009Shih-Jiun Shi, Rural Social Policy, in: China's Social Policy, edited by Kinglun Ngok, Shanghai: Shanghai People Press (in Chinese), pp. 260-279
2009 "520後的中共對台政策", 台北,臺灣大學國家發展研究所兩岸關係研究中心, 2009/06
2007與張五岳合著, 《中國研究導論》(上), 行政院大陸委員會
2006《比較福利國家:國際比較中的德國社會國》, 臺北:巨流出版公司
2006等, 《海を越えて来る中国の脅威-台湾の国家安全保障に対する挑戦と戦略》, 大屯出版社
2006and the Taiwan Security Research Group, The China Threat Crosses the Strait: Challenges and Strategies for Taiwan’s National Security, Dong Fong Color Printing CO.LTD
2005等著, 《民主化臺灣新國家安全觀》, 先覺出版社
2005《政治學:21世紀的觀點》, 台北,威仕曼文化事業公司, 2005/10
2002《德國福利國家的挑戰》, 臺北:五南圖書出版公司
2000"中華民國憲法概論", 台北,揚智文化事業公司, 2000/04
1998林繼文, 《兩岸基層選舉與政治社會變遷---哈佛大學東西方學者的對話》
1998《兩岸基層選舉與政治社會變遷—哈佛大學東西方學者的對話》, 月旦出版社
1998"台灣現代政治派閥主義", 東洋經濟新報社