2013 | 〈建構「東亞儒學文化共同體」之第一階段的課題〉――思考中日韓經學傳承脈絡之異同〉 |
2013 | 〈東亞學術史觀的殖民扭曲與重塑――以韓國「朝鮮儒學創見模式」的經學論述為核心〉 |
2012 | |
2012 | From Economic to Social Decentralisation: Exploring the Competitive Solidarity of Regional Social Policy in China. |
2012 | 兩岸政治談判中協商主體與身分研究 |
2012 | 〈歐盟社會政策的治理本質與形式演變〉 |
2011 | |
2011 | Public-Private Pension Mix and Its Governance: Japan and Taiwan Compared |
2011 | Towards Inclusive Social Citizenship? Rethinking China's Social Security in the Trend towards Urban-rural Harmonisation |
2011 | "為什麼大多數臺灣民眾感受不到北京政府的善意?~一項敵意來源的分析" |
2011 | 〈17世紀經學に見る朱子學批判―伊藤仁斎と趙翼における『論語集注』の再構成―〉(日文) |
2010 | |
2010 | Saving in Addition to Contributing: Political Economy of Pension Privatization in Greater China |
2010 | Policy Learning and Diffusion in Chinese Social Policy |
2010 | "Managing Political Security Dilemma and Creating Value Basis for Peaceful Co-existence across Taiwan Strait: An inter-state perspective" |
2010 | "五都選舉與民進黨轉型" |
2010 | "中國參與亞太區域經濟機制的現況與展望" |
2010 | "新的一年兩岸關係發展與前瞻" |
2010 | "中共「兩會」後兩岸關係發展的前瞻" |
2010 | "當前總統政見、列管及成效評估機制之分析" |