2021 | Wing-kit Chan and Shih–Jiunn Shi, Between Central Coordination and Regional Competition: Analyzing China’s Long-Term Care Reform from the Social Decentralization Perspective. Paper presented at the Forum on Welfare State and Social Policy: Comparative Research from China and Korea. Guangzhou, China, conference paper, 2021-03-20-2021-03-21. |
2020 | 展演型地方政府?中國「淘寶村」的政商關係演變研究 |
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2020 | |
2020 | Chao-Tien Chang (2020, May). Robot Caregivers: Reconsider the Legal and Ethical Meaning of Elderly Care. Law and Society Association Annual Conference of 2020, Virtual Conference. |
2020 | 張兆恬(2020年12月)。醫師協助自殺禁令的合憲性分析—比較法的觀點。司法院大法官109年度學術研討會,台灣:台北(法官學院)。 |
2019 | Changing Marital Power Relations in the Digital era? Negotiating the Role of Breadwinner and Homemaker in the Chinese 'Taobao families’ |
2019 | |
2019 | |
2019 | |
2019 | |
2019 | |
2019 | |
2019 | Chao-Tien Chang (2019, Oct). A Third Paradigm of an International Privacy Standard? Examining the APEC Privacy Framework and the Cross-Border Privacy Rules System. Research Workshop: Digital Trade Law and Governance, Monash Business School, Monash University, Melbourne, Sydney. |
2019 | 張兆恬(2019年03月)。個資保護的國際標準?亞洲的觀點。企業社會責任理論與實務,台灣:台北(中國文化大學法學院)。 |
2019 | 張兆恬(2019年11月)。社群媒體資料的隱私議題。2019年第二十三屆全國科技法律研討會,台灣:台北(國立交通大學科技法律學院)。 |
2019 | Chao-Tien Chang (2019, May). Whose Duty of Elder Care—Legal and Ethical Analysis Based on the Experience of Taiwan. The 2019 Law and Society Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA. |
2019 | The Ageing Social Europe: EU Social Policy in the Context of Population Ageing |
2019 | The Politics of Redistribution in democratic & authoritarian regimes |
2019 | 〈福澤諭吉的實學〉,「近代日本的學知和漢學再編」學術大會,首爾:首爾大學 |