2024范秀羽(2024年4月)。火神的眼淚─搜救英雄的身高限制。新學林法學,2; 173-177。
2024Shih, S., Hong, I., Chen, F. (2024). The Political Economy of East Asian Welfare States : Partisan Politics in Social Investment Policies in South Korea and Taiwan. In B. Greve (eds.). Handbook on the Political Economy of Social Policy. Edward Elgar.
2024張國暉、徐健銘 (2024)。〈從既存到轉型的能源政策路徑:浮現中的電力供應重新配置體制(1998-2020)〉。《人文及社會科學集刊》,已接受。(TSSCI)
2023 (forthcoming)Hsiu-Yu (Tori) Fan (2023, Forthcoming). Restrictions on citizens’ exits reconsidered: Taiwan, young democracy under threat. International Migration (Accepted). (SSCI,IF: 2.022; 17/50, DEMOGRAPHY).
2023〈한중일 儒學史에서의 ‘보편’과‘특수’(韓中日儒學史中的「普遍」與「特殊」)〉(KCI)
2023Hong, I., Nahm, J.W., Yeh, C. (2023). Labour Market Policy Reform in East Asia: From Economic Crises to Welfare Politics. In N. Durazzi, D. Clegg (eds.). Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Rich Democracies. Edward Elgar
2023Bae, M., Kim, Y. and Hong, I. (2023). Factors of capital on depression in older adulthood: A comparison of urban and rural regions in Korea. Healthcare. 11, 2850.https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare11212850(SSCI)
2023Hong, I. (2023). Birthrate Decline and Key Policy Responses in Italy. Global Social Security Review. 26: 25-34. 이탈리아의 출산율 저하 문제와 주요 정책 대응. 국제사회보장리뷰. 26: 25-34.https://doi.org/10.23063/2023.09.3
2023Hong, I. (2023). Comparative theoretical and methodological approaches in social policy teaching. In Z. Irving (eds.). Teaching International, Comparative and Global Social Policy. Edward Elgar
2023Liu, Chiu-Wan. Conceptualising Private Fintech Platforms as Financial Statecraft and Recentralisation in China.New Political Economy (SSCI), 28(3), 433-451.
2023劉秋婉。〈中國大陸2020年後對外資放寬資本市場投資的趨勢分析:以ETF與資產管理產業為例〉。《政治學報》(TSSCI) 第75期(2023年6月), 頁77-116。
2023張國暉 (2023)。〈轉型管理的興起、定位及新治理構思:自成一家的演變及挑戰〉。《公共行政學報》64:79-116。(TSSCI)。
2023徐健銘、張國暉、翁渝婷、梁曉昀 (2023)。〈臺中向上市場塑膠袋減量的轉型方案:從策略利基管理途徑檢視〉。《思與言:人文與社會科學期刊》61 (1):167-236。(TSSCI/THCI Core)。
2023Kuehner, S., Hong, I., Ketola, M., Roumpakis, A. (2023). Ten Years of the Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy: Taking Stock and Charting A Route Forward.Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. 39(1) (Scopus)
2023Hong, I., Kang, J., Lee, J. (2023). Better job prospects or an imperative to ‘just work’? A cross-national study on social investment and women's employment.International Journal of Social Welfare. 32(3): 383-421 (SSCI)
2023Hong, I. (2023). 이탈리아의 출산율 저하 문제와 주요 정책 대응 (Italia’s Birthrate Decline and Key Policy Responses). 국제사회보장리뷰.
2023Ho, Carmen, Daniel Beland, Dragana Bodruzic, and Shih-Jiunn Shi  (2023).Social Policies in Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes: Comparing the Introduction and Implementation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee in India and Dibao in China.Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 38: 3, 241-253.
2022〈柳健休《東儒論語解集評》에 나타난 조선유학사의 특징(柳健休《東儒論語解集評》中的朝鮮儒學史的特徵)〉(KCI)
2022Hong, I. & Ngok, K. (2022). The industrialisation thesis, revisited: Understanding welfare expansion in China through social expenditure data (2000–2019).Social Policy & Administration. 56(6): 874-890 (SSCI)
2022Hong, I., Yang, Z. (2022). Women’s labour market transitions during Covid-19: Division of gender roles and the gendered labour market in South Korea (2018–2020).Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 32(3): 200-212. (SSCI)
2022Hong, I., & Ngok, K. (2022). Introduction: Twenty Years of Welfare Reform in China (2000-2020): Challenges from Developmentalism to COVID-19.Social Policy & Administration. 56(6): 867-873. (SSCI)
2022范秀羽(2022年12月)。定位憲法法庭:從憲法訴訟法新制下之選案與主筆制開始。公法研究,3; 155-176。
2022張國暉 (2022)。〈書評:《施振榮先生訪問紀錄:宏碁經驗與台灣電子業》〉。Korean Journal for History of Science 44(3): 745-751。(KCI) (譯成韓文)
2022Wing-kit Chan and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2022). Central Coordination, Regional Competition, and Local Protectionism: Social Decentralisation in China’s Long-Term Care Reform. Social Policy & Administration, 56(6): 956-969.
2022Young-Jun Choi, Stefan Kuehner, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2022). From “New Social Risks” to “COVID Social Risks:” The Challenges for Inclusive Society in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Amid the Pandemic.Policy & Society, 41(2): 260-274.
2022Liu, Chiu-Wan. Online Banking and Women's Increasing Bargaining Power in Marriage: A Case Study in a 'Taobao Village' of Southern Fujian.Women's Studies International Forum (SSCI), 92, May-June
2021Liu, Chiu-Wan. The Chinese Fintech Boom and the Consolidation of Recentralized Authoritarian Capitalism. Asian Survey (SSCI) Vol. 61, Number 6, 971–998.
2021Hong, I. (2021). Book Review: Globalizing Welfare.Journal of Social Policy. 50(4): 895-897
2021Hyunwook, Cheng and Shih-Jiunn, Shi (2021). The Divergence of Policy Responses to Low Fertility in South Korea and Taiwan: From a Perspective of Gender Labor Market.Discourse 201, 24(3): pp.193-230.
2021Suetgiin Soon, Chelsea C. Chou, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2021). Withstanding the Plague: Institutional Resilience of the East Asian Welfare State.Social Policy & Administration, 55(2): 374-387.
2021Hsiu-Hui Chen and Shih–Jiunn Shi (2021). Changing Dynamics of Social Policy in Democracy: Comparing Pension and Health Reforms in Taiwan.Journal of Asian Public Policy, 14(1): 30-44.
2021Shih-Jiunn Shi, The Changing Credibility of Institutions: How Household Registration Systems (Hukou) in Mainland China and Taiwan Define Immigrants’ Social Benefits. Journal of Chinese Governance, 6(2): 307–326.
2020〈후쿠자와 유키치 유학비판의 배경과 해석- 동아시아 유학사 재인식을 위한 출발점(福澤諭吉儒學批判的背景與解釋——對東亞儒學史再認識的出發點)〉(KCI)
2020Chang, Kuo-Hui, Gary Lee Downey and Bono Po-Jen Shih (2020). "Talents First!: Wu Ta-you and Science Policy Infrastructures in the Republic of China (1927-1970)." Korean Journal for History of Science  42 (2): 449-473. (KCI)
2020張國暉、蔡友月 (2020)。〈驅不走達悟惡靈的民主治理夢魘:蘭嶼核廢遷場僵局的政策史分析〉。《台灣社會研究季刊》115:77-149。(TSSCI)
2020張國暉 (2020)。〈書評:《李國鼎先生訪問紀錄:臺灣科技政策發展》〉。Korean Journal for History of Science 42(3): 761-766。(KCI) (譯成韓文)
2020張兆恬(2020年11月)。〈從平權到融入──簡介美國身心障礙者法之發展與挑戰〉。《月旦醫事法報告》,49,pp. 99-112。
2020Won-sub Kim and Shih-Jiunn Shi, (2020). East Asian Approaches of Activation: The Politics of Labor Market Policies in South Korea and Taiwan.Policy & Society, 39(2): 226-246.
2020Young-Jun Choi, Evelyne Huber, Won-Sub Kim, Hyeok-Yong Kwon, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2020). Social Investment in the Knowledge-based Economy: New Politics and Policies.Policy & Society, 39(2): 147-170.
2020Liu, Chiu-Wan. Return Migration, Online Entrepreneurship and Gender Performance in the Chinese ‘Taobao families’. Asia Pacific Viewpoint (SSCI), 61 (3), 478-493
2020施世駿(2020)。〈投資必有風險?南韓社會投資改革對於台灣社會福利的啟示〉。《社區發展季刊》,170: 209-223。
2020Chung-yang Yeh, Hyunwook Cheng and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2020). Public-Private Pension Mixes in East Asia: Institutional Diversity and Policy Implications for Old-Age Security.Ageing & Society, 40(3): 604-625.
2019〈韓日儒學史에 나타난 ‘古學’의 차이-오규소라이・이토진사이・허목・조익의 예를 중심으로-(韓日儒學史中的「古學」的異同——以荻生徂來、伊藤仁齋、許穆、趙翼的例子為核心)〉(KCI)
2019〈朝鮮時代‘實學’概念에 대한 考察(對朝鮮時代「實學」概念的考察)〉(KCI)
2019Hong, I., Kwon, E., Kim, B. (2019). Measuring Social Policy Change in Comparative Research: Survey Data Evidence from South Korea.Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice.21(2): 131-150 (SSCI) 
2019Kwon, S., Hong, I. (2019). Is South Korea as leftist as it gets? Labour market reforms under the Moon presidency.Political Quarterly, 90(2): 81-88 (SSCI) 
2019范秀羽(2019年12月)。論美國法上公民適格性及國籍授與法理─ 兼評川普移民政策。國立中正大學法學集刊,64, 1-54。(TSSCI)。
2019范秀羽(2019年10月)。民主憲政國家原住民族自治模式及其難題—以美國、加拿大、澳洲、紐西蘭為例。憲政時代 (經雙向匿名審查),44(2), 1-25。
2019范秀羽(2019年08月)。非我族類其婚必異—評析國籍法第19條與其除斥期間。月旦法學 (經雙向匿名審查),291, 139-58。
2019范秀羽(2019年03月)。從「我們的憲法」、「我們」到「我們的釋憲者」:形塑非國民之憲法上權利主體。國立臺灣大學法學論叢,48(1), 1-54。(TSSCI)。
2019Chao-Tien Chang (2019, Dec). Whose Duty of Elder Care?—Examining the Aging Law and Policy in Taiwan.Wisconsin International Law Journal, 37(1), pp.1-43.
2019Chao-Tien Chang (2019, May). Bank on We the People: Why and How Public Engagement is Relevant to Biobanking.Michigan Technology Law Review, 25(2), pp.239-301.
2019張國暉 (2019)。〈工程倫理的積極規範意義:回應〈台灣工程倫理回顧及科技與社會取徑〉〉。《科技、醫療與社會》28:153-159。(TSSCI/THCI Core)
2019張國暉 (2019)。〈從政府治理到轉型研究及風險治理:來自系統、科技與頑強問題的新刺激〉。《思與言:人文與社會科學期刊》57(3):233-285。(TSSCI/THCI Core)
2019傅從喜、施世駿、林宏陽(2019)。〈我國社會安全年金制度可攜性分析〉。《台大管理論叢》,29(2): 173-200。
2018Hong, I. (2018). Work, welfare access and social exclusion for immigrants in South Korea. New empirical evidence focused on Seoul and Gyeong-gi area.Multiculture and Peace(다문화와 평화), 12(1): 1-30 (KCI)
2018Hong, I. and Roh, K. (2018). Evaluation of a community development program in Nepal. A Propensity Score Analysis.Research on Social Work Practice. 28(6): 721-730. (SSCI) 
2018Hong, I. (2018). Immigration and the Boundaries of Social Citizenship in East Asia. Theoretical Considerations in a Comparative Perspective,OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society. 8(2): 37-66. (KCI)
2018張兆恬(2018年09月)。〈論「民主審議」作為一項生命倫理原則及其規範意涵〉。《中研院法學期刊》(TSSCI),23, pp.219-321。
2018Daniel Beland, Philip Rocco, Shih-Jiunn Shi and Alex Waddan (2018). Paths to (De)centralization: Changing Territorial Dynamics of Social Policy in the People’s Republic of China and the United States.Environment & Planning C: Politics & Space, 36(5): 897-915.
2017〈朝鮮儒者中華認同的新解釋――「天下」與「國家」的整合分析〉(THCI Core) 
2017Hong, I. (2017). Varietà dei capitalismi di welfare in Asia tra produttivismo e diritti sociali. Stato e Mercato, 2: 311-338 (SCOPUS)
2017張兆恬(2017年03月)。〈論醫院中媒體採訪之法律與倫理問題 —美國Chanko v. ABC案的啟示〉。《月旦醫事法報告》,第5期,pp.193-213。
2017張國暉 (2017)。〈大型科技系統理論之評析:兼論探索移入台灣之系統的幾個構想〉。《科技、醫療與社會》24:91-144。(TSSCI/THCI Core)
2017陳慧瑜、 施世駿 (2016)。〈 不對稱納入: 跨兩岸遷移者社會保障權利之探討〉。《中國公共政策評論》,11: 155-176。
2017Shih-Jiunn Shi (2017). Reviving the Dragon: Social Ideas and Social Policy Development in Modern China.Issues & Studies, 53(3): 1-25.
2017施世駿、孫瑩芯(2017)。〈比較德國與韓國身心障礙者權利公約首次國家報告:對臺灣的借鏡〉。《社區發展季刊》,157: 220-235。
2017施世駿、葉崇揚、古允文(2017)。〈文化趨同或是政經殊異? 兩岸三地福利改革的比較探析〉。《香港社會科學學報》,49 (2017 Spring/Summer): 131-166。
2017Shih-Jiunn Shi(2017). Social Decentralisation: Exploring the Competitive Solidarity of Regional Social Protection in China.Journal of Asian Public Policy, 10(1): 74-89.
2017Shih-Jiunn Shi(2017). The Bounded Welfare Pluralism: Public-Private Partnerships under Social Management in China.Public Management Review, 19(4): 463-478.
2016〈20세기 초 한국 유자의 시대인식(20世紀初韓國儒者的時代認識)〉(韓文)(KCI)
2016范秀羽(2016年07月)。從查理周刊等攻擊事件思考移民社會中基本權保障之潛在問題。東吳法律學報,28(1), 151-183。(TSSCI)。
2016張國暉 (2016)。〈捷運木柵線:移入的大型科技系統與在地交通建設網絡的共造〉。《科技、醫療與社會》22:159-224。(TSSCI/THCI Core)
2016Shi, S. J. (2016). Book Review: Strengthening Social Protection in East Asia, edited by Mukul G. Asher and Fukunari Kimura. New York: Routledge.Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 28(2): 130-131.
2016傅從喜、施世駿、林宏陽、張秋蘭(2016)。〈已開發國家年金自動調整機制之發展與變革〉。《臺大社會工作學刊》,33: 89-128。
2015Chang, Kuo-Hui (2015). "Technological Construction as Identity Formation: Constructing Taiwan’s High Speed Rail during the 1990s State Transformation."Engineering Studies  7(1): 1-27. (SCI/SSCI)
2015Hong, I. (2015). Neoliberalism and community welfare in Italy: local differentiations in response to the crisis with a focus on the Lazio region.Life Studies(생명연구). 35: 219-250 (KCI)
2015A Personal View of the Evaluation of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Higher Education
2014〈주자언론동이고를 통해 본 17세기 조선유학사의 새로운 이해(朱子言論同異攷中所見17世紀朝鮮儒學史新見解)〉(韓文)(KCI)
2014〈東亞學術史觀的殖民扭曲與重塑―以韓國「朝鮮儒學創見模式」的經學論述為核心〉(THCI Core)
2014Hong, I. (2014). Italian welfare in the aftermath of crisis: neoliberal reforms and limits to the path dependency approach.Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 41(2): 73-91 (SCOPUS)
2014Hong, I. (2014). Book Review: Social Class and the Helping Professions: A Clinician’s Guide to Navigating the Landscape of Class in America. Research on Social Work PracticeMarch 24: 253-255,doi:10.1177/1049731512468493
2014Hong, I. (2014). Trends and Determinants of Social Expenditure in Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Social Policy and Administration. 48(6): 647-665 (2014 SP&A Early Stage Career Researcher prize) (SSCI) 
2014劉秋婉、施世駿. (2014)。客工生涯結束? 中國大陸農民工社會保障制度變遷之探析. 《臺灣社會福利學刊》, 11(2): 89-139.
2014劉秋婉、施世駿, 客工生涯結束?中國大陸農民工社會保障制度變遷之探析
2014Yamada Hōkoku on Mencius’ Theory of Nurturing Qi: A Historical Perspective,
2013Hong I., Atteraya, M. (2013). A Community Needs Assessment of Migrant Workers in Ansan City,South Korea.Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 23(4): 253-269. DOI:10.1080/02185385.2013.803933 (SSCI) 
2013Hong I. (2013). Italian welfare in the aftermath of economic crisis: understanding welfare reforms in the light of alternative theoretical approaches.Korea Social Policy Review(한국사회정책학회). 20(3): 197-221. (KCI)
2013張國暉 (2013)。〈國族渴望的巨靈:台灣科技官僚治理的中國脈絡〉。《國家發展研究》12 (2):73-132。
2013張國暉 (2013)。〈當核能系統轉變為科技政體:冷戰下的國際政治與核能發展〉。《科技、醫療與社會》16:103-160。(TSSCI/THCI Core)
2013張國暉 (2013)。〈高鐵的創新關鍵〉。《科學發展》484:26-32。
2013施世駿(2013)。年金改革始於新生兒:人口老化下的世代契約重構,《社區發展季刊》,144: 121-131。
2013Won-sub Kim and Shih-Jiunn Shi(2013).Emergence of New Welfare States in East Asia? Domestic Social Changes and the Impact of 'Welfare Internationalism' in South Korea and Taiwan (1945-2012).International Journal of Social Quality, 3( 2): 106-124.
2013Taiwan in 2012:Curse of the Second-Term President?
2012張國暉 (2012)。〈科學、技術與自由民主政治秩序的演變:近代美國政治體制的科學意識型態與現實政治〉。《政治及社會哲學評論》42:153-205。(TSSCI)
2012Shih-Jiunn Shi(2012).Social Policy Learning and Diffusion in China: The Rise of Welfare Regions?Policy & Politics,  40(3): 367-385.
2012梁婉玲、施世駿(2012)。〈變遷中的歐洲社會模式:考察歐盟年金政策的發展〉,《社會政策與社會工作學刊》,16(2): 47-94。
2012 Shih-Jiunn Shi and Ka-Ho Mok(2012). Pension Privatisation in Greater China: Institutional Patterns and Policy Outcomes,International Journal of Social Welfare, 21, issue supplement, 30-45.
2012 Shih-Jiunn Shi (2012). Towards Inclusive Social Citizenship? Rethinking China’s Social Security in the Trend towards Urban-rural Harmonisation,Journal of Social Policy, 41(4): 789-810.
2012 Shih-Jiunn Shi (2012). Shifting Dynamics of the Welfare Politics in Taiwan: From Income Maintenance to Labour Protection,Journal of Asian Public Policy, 5(1): 82-96.
2012 Fen-ling Chen and  Shih-Jiunn Shi (2012) Social Exclusion Experiences of Atypical Workers: A Case Study of Taipei,International Journal of Social Quality, 2(2):  43-62.
2012Taiwan in 2011: Focus on Crucial Presidential Election
2011〈尹鑴의 『讀書記』와 朴世堂의 『思辨錄』이 朱子學 批判을 위해 저술되었다는 주장의 타당성 검토(Ⅰ) ―『大學』의 ‘格物’ 註釋에 대한 재고찰을 중심으로―(〈重新探討尹鑴《讀書記》與朴世堂《思辨錄》之著作的朱子學批判(Ⅰ)―以《大學》“格物”的詮釋爲核心―)〉(韓文)(KCI)
2011〈포저조익의 『중용사람』의 경학적고찰 -쌍봉요로설수용과 관련하여-(以經學角度考察浦渚趙翼《中庸私覽》―以其接受饒雙峯見解的動機爲核心―)〉(韓文)(KCI)
2011張國暉 (2011)。〈追尋主體性的工程設計:威權政治轉型下的台灣高鐵土木設計〉。《台灣社會研究季刊》85:157-200。(TSSCI/THCI Core)
2011張國暉 (2011)。〈對技術的社會建構論(SCOT)之挑戰:建構東亞技術研究主體性的一個契機〉。《科技、醫療與社會》13:171-222。(TSSCI/THCI Core)
2011施世駿、葉羽曼 (2011)。〈政治民主化與社會政策:探索政治制度對台灣年金制度建構的影響〉,《臺大社會工作學刊》,23: 47-92
2011 Shih-Jiunn Shi (2011). The Contesting Quest for Old-Age Security: Institutional Politics in China’s Pension Reforms.Journal of Asian Public Policy,  4(1): 42-60.
2010〈17세기 경학방법론 연구-독창성 및 비판성을 척도로 한 경학연구를 대신하여(17世紀的經學方法論―重新思考以獨創性及批評性為尺度的經學研究觀點―)〉(KCI) 
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