2024 | Shih, S., Hong, I., Chen, F. (2024). The Political Economy of East Asian Welfare States : Partisan Politics in Social Investment Policies in South Korea and Taiwan. In B. Greve (eds.). Handbook on the Political Economy of Social Policy. Edward Elgar. |
2023 | Hong, I., Nahm, J.W., Yeh, C. (2023). Labour Market Policy Reform in East Asia: From Economic Crises to Welfare Politics. In N. Durazzi, D. Clegg (eds.). Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Rich Democracies. Edward Elgar |
2023 | Bae, M., Kim, Y. and Hong, I. (2023). Factors of capital on depression in older adulthood: A comparison of urban and rural regions in Korea. Healthcare. 11, 2850. |
2023 | Hong, I. (2023). Birthrate Decline and Key Policy Responses in Italy. Global Social Security Review. 26: 25-34. 이탈리아의 출산율 저하 문제와 주요 정책 대응. 국제사회보장리뷰. 26: 25-34. |
2023 | Hong, I. (2023). Comparative theoretical and methodological approaches in social policy teaching. In Z. Irving (eds.). Teaching International, Comparative and Global Social Policy. Edward Elgar |
2023 | A Review of Studies on the Political Effects of Social Media and AI Technologies: Reflecting on the Third Wave of SSS and Code/Space Theory. Taiwanese Journal for Science, Technology and Medicine (TSSCI), No.36 (April 2023), 169-232. |
2023 | Analysis of China's Policy of Loosening Foreign Capital's Restricted Access to the Capital Market After 2020: Examples of ETF and Asset Management Industry.Chinese Political Science Review(TSSCI) No.75(2023.6), 77-116. |
2023 | Kuehner, S., Hong, I., Ketola, M., Roumpakis, A. (2023). Ten Years of the Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy: Taking Stock and Charting A Route Forward.Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. 39(1) (Scopus) |
2023 | Hong, I., Kang, J., Lee, J. (2023). Better job prospects or an imperative to ‘just work’? A cross-national study on social investment and women's employment.International Journal of Social Welfare. 32(3): 383-421 (SSCI) |
2023 | Hong, I. (2023). 이탈리아의 출산율 저하 문제와 주요 정책 대응 (Italia’s Birthrate Decline and Key Policy Responses). 국제사회보장리뷰. |
2023 | Liu, Chiu-Wan. Conceptualising Private Fintech Platforms as Financial Statecraft and Recentralisation in China.New Political Economy (SSCI), 28(3), 433-451. |
2023 | Shih-Jiunn Shi and Suetgiin Soon (2023). Taiwanese Welfare State in East Asian Comparative Perspective: Historical Development and Prospect. NTU Social Work Review, special issue: 43-82. |
2023 | Ho, Carmen, Daniel Beland, Dragana Bodruzic, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2023).Social Policies in Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes: Comparing the Introduction and Implementation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee in India and Dibao in China.Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 38: 3, 241-253. |
2022 | Hong, I., & Ngok, K. (2022). Introduction: Twenty Years of Welfare Reform in China (2000-2020): Challenges from Developmentalism to COVID-19.Social Policy & Administration. 56(6): 867-873. (SSCI) |
2022 | Hong, I. & Ngok, K. (2022). The industrialisation thesis, revisited: Understanding welfare expansion in China through social expenditure data (2000–2019).Social Policy & Administration. 56(6): 874-890 (SSCI) |
2022 | Hong, I., Yang, Z. (2022). Women’s labour market transitions during Covid-19: Division of gender roles and the gendered labour market in South Korea (2018–2020).Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 32(3): 200-212. (SSCI) |
2022 | Wing-kit Chan and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2022). Central Coordination, Regional Competition, and Local Protectionism: Social Decentralisation in China’s Long-Term Care Reform.Social Policy & Administration, 56(6): 956-969. |
2022 | 張兆恬(2022年03月)。〈疫情期間長照機構探視管制之分析--以美國法為鑑〉。《月旦醫事法報告》,65,pp.46-59。 |
2022 | Young-Jun Choi, Stefan Kuehner, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2022). From “New Social Risks” to “COVID Social Risks:” The Challenges for Inclusive Society in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Amid the Pandemic.Policy & Society, 41(2): 260-274. |
2022 | Online Banking and Women's Increasing Bargaining Power in Marriage: A Case Study in a 'Taobao Village' of Southern Fujian.Women's Studies International Forum (SSCI), 92 (May-June) |
2021 | Hong, I. (2021). Book Review: Globalizing Welfare.Journal of Social Policy. 50(4): 895-897 |
2021 | 張兆恬(2021年11月)。〈緊急的倫理:新型冠狀肺炎疫苗之臨床試驗及緊急授權的法制與倫理分析〉。《臺大法學論叢》(TSSCI),50(S),pp.1073-1165。 |
2021 | 張兆恬(2021年07月)。〈宣傳民俗療法之法律責任剖析──以網紅「肝膽排石法」體驗影片為例〉。《月旦醫事法報告》,57,pp.125-134。 |
2021 | 張兆恬(2021年03月)。〈COVID-19疫情之性別影響及法律與政策因應〉。《人文與社會科學簡訊》,22(2),pp.77-83。 |
2021 | The Chinese Fintech Boom and the Consolidation of Recentralized Authoritarian Capitalism.Asian Survey (SSCI), 61(6), 971-998 |
2021 | Hyunwook, Cheng and Shih-Jiunn, Shi (2021). The Divergence of Policy Responses to Low Fertility in South Korea and Taiwan: From a Perspective of Gender Labor Market.Discourse 201, 24(3): pp.193-230. |
2021 | Hsiu-Hui Chen and Shih–Jiunn Shi (2021). Changing Dynamics of Social Policy in Democracy: Comparing Pension and Health Reforms in Taiwan.Journal of Asian Public Policy, 14(1): 30-44. |
2021 | Suetgiin Soon, Chelsea C. Chou, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2021). Withstanding the Plague: Institutional Resilience of the East Asian Welfare State.Social Policy & Administration, 55(2): 374-387. |
2021 | Shih-Jiunn Shi, The Changing Credibility of Institutions: How Household Registration Systems (Hukou) in Mainland China and Taiwan Define Immigrants’ Social Benefits. Journal of Chinese Governance, 6(2): 307–326. |
2020 | 張兆恬(2020年11月)。〈從平權到融入──簡介美國身心障礙者法之發展與挑戰〉。《月旦醫事法報告》,49,pp. 99-112。 |
2020 | Chung-yang Yeh, Hyunwook Cheng and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2020). Public-Private Pension Mixes in East Asia: Institutional Diversity and Policy Implications for Old-Age Security.Ageing & Society, 40(3): 604-625. |
2020 | Young-Jun Choi, Evelyne Huber, Won-Sub Kim, Hyeok-Yong Kwon, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2020). Social Investment in the Knowledge-based Economy: New Politics and Policies.Policy & Society, 39(2): 147-170. |
2020 | Won-sub Kim and Shih-Jiunn Shi, (2020). East Asian Approaches of Activation: The Politics of Labor Market Policies in South Korea and Taiwan.Policy & Society, 39(2): 226-246. |
2020 | 〈驅不走達悟惡靈的民主治理夢魘:蘭嶼核廢遷場僵局的政策史分析〉 |
2020 | 〈書評:《李國鼎先生訪問紀錄:臺灣科技政策發展》〉 |
2020 | 〈후쿠자와 유키치 유학비판의 배경과 해석- 동아시아 유학사 재인식을 위한 출발점〉(〈福澤諭吉儒學批判的背景與解釋——對東亞儒學史再認識的出發點〉) |
2020 | Talents First!: Wu Ta-you and Science Policy Infrastructures in the Republic of China (1927-1970) |
2020 | Liu, Chiu-Wan, Return migration, online entrepreneurship and gender performance in the Chinese ‘Taobao families’, Asia Pacific Viewpoint (SSCI), June. |
2019 | Hong, I., Kwon, E., Kim, B. (2019). Measuring Social Policy Change in Comparative Research: Survey Data Evidence from South Korea.Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice.21(2): 131-150 (SSCI) |
2019 | Kwon, S., Hong, I. (2019). Is South Korea as leftist as it gets? Labour market reforms under the Moon presidency.Political Quarterly, 90(2): 81-88 (SSCI) |
2019 | Chao-Tien Chang (2019, Dec). Whose Duty of Elder Care?—Examining the Aging Law and Policy in Taiwan. Wisconsin International Law Journal, 37(1), pp.1-43. |
2019 | Chao-Tien Chang (2019, May). Bank on We the People: Why and How Public Engagement is Relevant to Biobanking. Michigan Technology Law Review, 25(2), pp.239-301. |
2019 | 黃朝琮、張兆恬(2019年12月)。〈意見表達之證券責任〉。《輔仁法學》(TSSCI),58,pp.155-252。 |
2019 | Tsung-Hsi Fu, Shih-Jiunn Shi, and Hung-Yang Lin (2019). Portability of Social Security Pension in Taiwan.NTU Management Review,29(2): 173-200. |
2019 | 〈日韓儒學史における「普遍」と「特殊」-拜讀:高山大毅著『近世日本の「礼学」と「修辞」』-書評〉 |
2019 | 〈韓日 儒學史에 나타난 ‘古學’의 차이-오규소라이・이토진사이・허목・조익의 예를 중심으로-〉(〈韓日儒學史中的「古學」的異同——以荻生徂來、伊藤仁齋、許穆、趙翼的例子為核心〉)(KCI) |
2019 | |
2019 | |
2019 | 〈對朝鮮時代「實學」概念的考察〉(KCI),《韓國史學報》,75,pp115~148 〈日韓儒學史における「普遍」と「特殊」-拜讀:高山大毅著『近世日本の「礼学」と「修辞」』-書評〉,《中國-社會と文化》,34,pp269-277 |
2018 | Hong, I. (2018). Immigration and the Boundaries of Social Citizenship in East Asia. Theoretical Considerations in a Comparative Perspective,OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society. 8(2): 37-66. (KCI) |
2018 | Hong, I. (2018). Work, welfare access and social exclusion for immigrants in South Korea. New empirical evidence focused on Seoul and Gyeong-gi area.Multiculture and Peace(다문화와 평화), 12(1): 1-30 (KCI) |
2018 | Hong, I. and Roh, K. (2018). Evaluation of a community development program in Nepal. A Propensity Score Analysis.Research on Social Work Practice. 28(6): 721-730. (SSCI) |
2018 | 張兆恬(2018年06月)。〈審議民主於生醫法上之運用:我國法之觀察〉。《法律與生命科學》,7(1),pp.1-16。 |
2018 | 張兆恬(2018年09月)。〈論「民主審議」作為一項生命倫理原則及其規範意涵〉。《中研院法學期刊》(TSSCI),23, pp.219-321。 |
2018 | 張兆恬(2018年10月)。〈藥害風險如何分擔?——淺評釋字第767號解釋〉。《月旦法學雜誌》,281,pp.179-187。 |
2018 | 梁志鳴、張兆恬(2018年06月)。〈論當代司法行政監督的管制挑戰:從全民健康保險藥價不實申報之管制切入〉。《臺大法學論叢》(TSSCI),47(2),pp.491-561。 |
2018 | 張兆恬(2018年02月)。〈從美國法上法人基本權之觀點再訪釋字第六〇六號〉。《月旦法學雜誌》,第273期,pp.161-176。 |
2018 | Daniel Beland, Philip Rocco, Shih-Jiunn Shi and Alex Waddan (2018). Paths to (De)centralization: Changing Territorial Dynamics of Social Policy in the People’s Republic of China and the United States.Environment & Planning C: Politics & Space, 36(5): 897-915. |
2018 | 〈朝鮮の帝王教育における「正心」論一一儒家士大夫の共同統治の構想〉,《「心身/身心」と「環境」の哲学―一東アジアの伝統的概 念の再検討とその普遍化の試み-》,pp183-194. |
2017 | Hong, I. (2017). Varietà dei capitalismi di welfare in Asia tra produttivismo e diritti sociali. Stato e Mercato, 2: 311-338 (SCOPUS) |
2017 | 張兆恬(2017年03月)。〈論醫院中媒體採訪之法律與倫理問題 —美國Chanko v. ABC案的啟示〉。《月旦醫事法報告》,第5期,pp.193-213。 |
2017 | Shih-Jiunn Shi, Chung-Yang Yeh, and Yuen-wen Ku (2017). Cultural Convergence or Political-economic Institutional Divergence? A Comparative Study of Welfare Reforms in Greater China.Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences , 49(Spring/Summer): 131 – 166. |
2017 | Shih-Jiunn Shi and Suetgiin Soon (2017). Comparing the First CRPD State Reports of Germany and South Korea: Lessons for Taiwan.Community Development Journal, 157: 220-235. |
2017 | Shih-Jiunn Shi (2017). Reviving the Dragon: Social Ideas and Social Policy Development in Modern China.Issues & Studies, 53(3): 1-25. |
2017 | Shih-Jiunn Shi(2017). The Bounded Welfare Pluralism: Public-Private Partnerships under Social Management in China.Public Management Review, 19(4): 463-478. |
2017 | Shih-Jiunn Shi and Hui-Yu Chen (2016). Asymmetric Incorporation: Comparing Social Rights of Cross-Strait Migrants.Chinese Public Policy Review, 11: 155-176. |
2017 | Shih-Jiunn Shi (2017). Social Decentralisation: Exploring the Competitive Solidarity of Regional Social Protection in China.Journal of Asian Public Policy,10(1): 74-89. |
2017 | |
2017 | 〈朝鮮儒者中華認同的新解釋――「天下」與「國家」的整合分析〉(THCI Core) |
2016 | 張兆恬(2016年03月)。〈人體生物資料庫之資訊隱私爭議:美國法的啟示〉。《法律與生命科學》,5(1),pp.29-46。 |
2016 | Shih-Jiunn SHI, Tsung-Hsi Fu, Shih-Jiunn Shi, Hung-Yang Lin and Chiu-Lan Chang (2016). From Automatic Adjustment to Automatic Balance: Changing Adjustment Mechanisms of Pension Benefits in Advanced Welfare States.NTU Social Work Review, 33: 89-128. |
2016 | Shih-Jiunn Shi. (2016). Book Review: Strengthening Social Protection in East Asia, edited by Mukul G. Asher and Fukunari Kimura. New York: Routledge.Journal of Aging & Social Policy,28(2): 130-131. |
2016 | |
2016 | 〈20世紀初韓國儒者的時代認識〉(韓文)(KCI) |
2015 | Hong, I. (2015). Neoliberalism and community welfare in Italy: local differentiations in response to the crisis with a focus on the Lazio region.Life Studies(생명연구). 35: 219-250 (KCI) |
2015 | "Technological Construction as Identity Formation: Constructing Taiwan’s High Speed Rail during the 1990s State Transformation" |
2015 | A Personal View of the Evaluation of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Higher Education |
2014 | Hong, I. (2014). Italian welfare in the aftermath of crisis: neoliberal reforms and limits to the path dependency approach.Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 41(2): 73-91 (SCOPUS) |
2014 | Hong, I. (2014). Book Review: Social Class and the Helping Professions: A Clinician’s Guide to Navigating the Landscape of Class in America. Research on Social Work PracticeMarch 24: 253-255,doi:10.1177/1049731512468493 |
2014 | Hong, I. (2014). Trends and Determinants of Social Expenditure in Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Social Policy and Administration. 48(6): 647-665 (2014 SP&A Early Stage Career Researcher prize) (SSCI) |
2014 | Chiu-Wan Liu and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2014). No Longer a Guest Worker? Institutional Changes of Social Security for Migrant Workers in China.Taiwanese Journal of Social Welfare, 11(2): 89-139. |
2014 | 劉秋婉、施世駿, 客工生涯結束?中國大陸農民工社會保障制度變遷之探析 |
2014 | 〈東亞學術史觀的殖民扭曲與重塑―以韓國「朝鮮儒學創見模式」的經學論述為核心〉(THCI Core) |
2014 | 〈《朱子言論同異攷》中所見17世紀朝鮮儒學史新見解〉(韓文)(KCI) |
2014 | Yamada Hōkoku on Mencius’ Theory of Nurturing Qi: A Historical Perspective, |
2013 | Hong I. (2013). Italian welfare in the aftermath of economic crisis: understanding welfare reforms in the light of alternative theoretical approaches.Korea Social Policy Review(한국사회정책학회). 20(3): 197-221. (KCI) |
2013 | Hong I., Atteraya, M. (2013). A Community Needs Assessment of Migrant Workers in Ansan City,South Korea.Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 23(4): 253-269. DOI:10.1080/02185385.2013.803933 (SSCI) |
2013 | Won-sub Kim and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2013). Emergence of New Welfare States in East Asia? Domestic Social Changes and the Impact of 'Welfare Internationalism' in South Korea and Taiwan (1945-2012).International Journal of Social Quality, 3(2): 106-124. |
2013 | Shih-Jiunn SHI (2013). Pension Reforms Beginn with Babies: Restructuring Generation Contract under Population Ageing.Community Development Journal, 144: 121-131. |
2013 | |
2013 | |
2013 | |
2013 | Taiwan in 2012:Curse of the Second-Term President? |
2012 | Shih-Jiunn Shi (2012). Shifting Dynamics of the Welfare Politics in Taiwan: From Income Maintenance to Labour Protection,Journal of Asian Public Policy, 5(1): 82-96. |
2012 | Fen-ling Chen and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2012) Social Exclusion Experiences of Atypical Workers: A Case Study of Taipei. International Journal of Social Quality, 2(2): 43-62. |
2012 | Shih-Jiunn Shi and Ka-Ho Mok(2012). Pension Privatisation in Greater China: Institutional Patterns and Policy Outcomes. International Journal of Social Welfare, 21, issue supplement, 30-45. |
2012 | Shih-Jiunn Shi (2012). Towards Inclusive Social Citizenship? Rethinking China’s Social Security in the Trend towards Urban-rural Harmonisation,Journal of Social Policy, 41(4): 789-810. |
2012 | Shih-Jiunn Shi(2012).Social Policy Learning and Diffusion in China: The Rise of Welfare Regions?Policy & Politics, 40(3): 367-385. |
2012 | Shih-Jiunn Shi and Wan-Ling Liang (2012). Changing European Social Model: Exploring the Development of EU Pension Policy.Social Policy & Social Work, 16(2): 47-94. |
2012 | Science, Technology, and the Transformation of Liberal-democratic Political Order: Modern American Scientific Ideology and Political Experience |
2012 | 我總統大選後兩岸關係發展走勢 |
2012 | Taiwan in 2011: Focus on Crucial Presidential Election |
2011 | Shih-Jiunn Shi and Yeh, Y.M. (2011). Political Democratization and Social Policy: Exploring the Impact of Political Institutions on the Pension Scheme-Building in Taiwan.NTU Social Work Review, 23: 47-92. |
2011 | Shih-Jiunn Shi (2011). The Contesting Quest for Old-Age Security: Institutional Politics in China’s Pension Reforms.Journal of Asian Public Policy, 4(1): 42-60. |
2011 | |
2011 | |
2011 | 建國百年與臺海安全 |
2011 | 〈以經學角度考察浦渚趙翼《中庸私覽》―以其接受饒雙峯見解的動機爲核心―〉(韓文)(KCI) |
2011 | 〈重新探討尹鑴《讀書記》與朴世堂《思辨錄》之著作的朱子學批判(Ⅰ)―以《大學》“格物”的詮釋爲核心―〉(韓文) |
2010 | Lin, Chao-Yin, Yun-Tung Wang, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2010). The Features of Social Cohesion in Taiwan: A Social Quality Perspective.Journal of State and Society, (8): 47-97. |
2010 | 〈17世紀韓國與日本的朱子經學批判―以朴世堂和伊藤仁斎的《大學》詮釋為核心―〉 |
2010 | 〈減少後悔之行為方式的摸索―朱子學中的誠意與正心―〉(韓文) |
2010 | 〈17世紀的經學方法論―重新思考以獨創性及批評性為尺度的經學研究觀點―〉(韓文)(KCI) |
2010 | "兩岸設旅行辦事處後的展望" |
2010 | "中共兩會後兩岸關係發展的前瞻" |
2009 | Chung-Yang Yeh and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2009). Paradigm Continuity or Paradigm Shift? Study of Pension Reforms in the UK and Germany.Social Policy & Social Work, 13(1): 1-51. |
2009 | Shih-Jiunn Shi (2009). Sub-nationalization of Social Protection: The Spatial- Politics Transformation of Social Citizenship in China.Taiwanese Sociology, 18: 43-93. |
2009 | |
2009 | 當前北京對台策略剖析 |
2009 | "孫中山與蔣經國:關於人才的甄補" |
2008 | Shih-Jiunn Shi (2008). Emergence of the Notion of Retirement in Rural China: The Case of Rural Districts of Shanghai.Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie, 41(5): 134-144. |
2008 | |
2007 | 〈西溪朴世堂《大學思辨錄》的再探討―以對《大學章句大全》之論評考察為核心―〉(韓文) |
2007 | "兩岸海洋政策之比較" |
2006 | Shih-Jiunn Shi (2006). Left to Market and Family – Again? Ideas and the Development of the Rural Pension Policy in China.Social Policy & Administration, 40(7): 791-806. |
2005 | Shih-Jiunn Shi (2005). New Governance of the EU and the Development of European Social Policy: Historical Context and Policy Implication of the "Open Method of Coordination." Taiwanese Journal of Social Welfare, 4(1): 1-50. |
2005 | 解析「反分裂國家法」北京對台談判議題與框架 |
2005 | 我國大陸政策的檢討與前瞻 |
2005 | 臺灣的憲政改造與兩岸關係 |
2005 | 北京當局對宋楚瑜中國行「投石問路」回應策略的分析 |
2005 | 〈朱熹《孟子集注》與鄭齊斗《孟子說》“浩然章”的註釋比較〉(韓文) |
2005 | "中共制定《反分裂國家法》的挑戰與對策" |
2004 | "中共西部大開發的社會模式" |
2002 | Shih-Jiunn Shi (2002). The Life-Course Research into the Impact of Social Policy. Social Policy & Social Work, 6(1),: 101-157. |
2002 | |
2002 | "邦聯構想平議" |
2001 | "當前兩岸關係平議" |
2000 | "〈一個中國的原則與台灣問題〉白皮書發表後的兩岸關係發展" |
2000 | "善意的和解‧積極的合作‧永久的和平" |
2000 | "兩岸應早日恢復對話" |
1999 | "「大選區、多席次、兩票制」研析" |
1997 | The Origin of Taiwan's Local Election and Transforma-tion of St |
1996 | "論省縣自治法施行後的省議會" |
1996 | 日據背景與大陸經驗~論影響省議會菁英形成與變遷的兩項歷史因素 |
1996 | Local Factions and Elections in Taiwan's Democratization |
1996 | "中共國家公務員交流制度評介" |
1996 | "省縣自治法暨直轄市自治法施行後的省思" |
1996 | "中山先生考試思想新論" |
1996 | "憲改後臺灣原住民的參政權析論" |
1995 | "三民主義教學研究的危機與轉機" |
1995 | "論中國大陸的人事制度改革" |
1995 | "論中山先生的直接民權" |
1995 | "論複決權暨公民投票的發展" |
1995 | "從中山先生的考試思想看大陸國家公務員錄用考試" |
1995 | "直轄市自治法暨省縣自治法施行後的省思" |
1995 | "論大陸「孫學」研究停滯現象的省思" |
1994 | "論總統直選後的兩岸關係" |
1994 | 從陳儀治臺談中共的一國兩制 |
1993 | 派系政治與陳儀治臺論 |
1992 | "中國式社會主義與民生主義" |
1992 | 區域性聯合獨占經濟、地方派系與省議員選舉:一項省議員背景資料的分析 |
1992 | "論兩岸青年學生之交流" |
1991 | "「國父思想」教學的規劃與檢討" |
1991 | "論中山先生的國家統一觀" |
1991 | Local factions and Taiwan's Democratization |
1991 | "國父思想教學評鑑問卷調查分析報告" |
1991 | "論均權主義與地方自治的聯結" |
1990 | 三民主義學術研究初探 |
| 施世駿(2024),〈臺灣福利國家的福利韌性〉。《社區發展季刊》,186:頁243-256。 |