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YearList Paper Title
2024Shih, S., Hong, I., Chen, F. (2024). The Political Economy of East Asian Welfare States : Partisan Politics in Social Investment Policies in South Korea and Taiwan. In B. Greve (eds.). Handbook on the Political Economy of Social Policy. Edward Elgar.
2023Hong, I., Nahm, J.W., Yeh, C. (2023). Labour Market Policy Reform in East Asia: From Economic Crises to Welfare Politics. In N. Durazzi, D. Clegg (eds.). Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Rich Democracies. Edward Elgar
2023Bae, M., Kim, Y. and Hong, I. (2023). Factors of capital on depression in older adulthood: A comparison of urban and rural regions in Korea. Healthcare. 11, 2850.
2023Hong, I. (2023). Birthrate Decline and Key Policy Responses in Italy. Global Social Security Review. 26: 25-34. 이탈리아의 출산율 저하 문제와 주요 정책 대응. 국제사회보장리뷰. 26: 25-34. 
2023Hong, I. (2023). Comparative theoretical and methodological approaches in social policy teaching. In Z. Irving (eds.). Teaching International, Comparative and Global Social Policy. Edward Elgar
2023A Review of Studies on the Political Effects of Social Media and AI Technologies: Reflecting on the Third Wave of SSS and Code/Space Theory. Taiwanese Journal for Science, Technology and Medicine (TSSCI), No.36 (April 2023), 169-232.
2023Analysis of China's Policy of Loosening Foreign Capital's Restricted Access to the Capital Market After 2020: Examples of ETF and Asset Management Industry.Chinese Political Science Review(TSSCI) No.75(2023.6), 77-116.
2023Kuehner, S., Hong, I., Ketola, M., Roumpakis, A. (2023). Ten Years of the Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy: Taking Stock and Charting A Route Forward.Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy. 39(1) (Scopus)
2023Hong, I., Kang, J., Lee, J. (2023). Better job prospects or an imperative to ‘just work’? A cross-national study on social investment and women's employment.International Journal of Social Welfare. 32(3): 383-421 (SSCI)
2023Hong, I. (2023). 이탈리아의 출산율 저하 문제와 주요 정책 대응 (Italia’s Birthrate Decline and Key Policy Responses). 국제사회보장리뷰.
2023Liu, Chiu-Wan. Conceptualising Private Fintech Platforms as Financial Statecraft and Recentralisation in China.New Political Economy (SSCI), 28(3), 433-451.
2023Shih-Jiunn Shi and Suetgiin Soon (2023). Taiwanese Welfare State in East Asian Comparative Perspective: Historical Development and Prospect. NTU Social Work Review, special issue: 43-82.
2023Ho, Carmen, Daniel Beland, Dragana Bodruzic, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2023).Social Policies in Democratic and Authoritarian Regimes: Comparing the Introduction and Implementation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee in India and Dibao in China.Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 38: 3, 241-253.
2022Hong, I., & Ngok, K. (2022). Introduction: Twenty Years of Welfare Reform in China (2000-2020): Challenges from Developmentalism to COVID-19.Social Policy & Administration. 56(6): 867-873. (SSCI)
2022Hong, I. & Ngok, K. (2022). The industrialisation thesis, revisited: Understanding welfare expansion in China through social expenditure data (2000–2019).Social Policy & Administration. 56(6): 874-890 (SSCI)
2022Hong, I., Yang, Z. (2022). Women’s labour market transitions during Covid-19: Division of gender roles and the gendered labour market in South Korea (2018–2020).Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 32(3): 200-212. (SSCI)
2022Wing-kit Chan and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2022). Central Coordination, Regional Competition, and Local Protectionism: Social Decentralisation in China’s Long-Term Care Reform.Social Policy & Administration, 56(6): 956-969.
2022Young-Jun Choi, Stefan Kuehner, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2022). From “New Social Risks” to “COVID Social Risks:” The Challenges for Inclusive Society in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Amid the Pandemic.Policy & Society, 41(2): 260-274.
2022Online Banking and Women's Increasing Bargaining Power in Marriage: A Case Study in a 'Taobao Village' of Southern Fujian.Women's Studies International Forum (SSCI), 92 (May-June)
2021Hong, I. (2021). Book Review: Globalizing Welfare.Journal of Social Policy. 50(4): 895-897
2021The Chinese Fintech Boom and the Consolidation of Recentralized Authoritarian Capitalism.Asian Survey (SSCI), 61(6), 971-998
2021Hyunwook, Cheng and Shih-Jiunn, Shi (2021). The Divergence of Policy Responses to Low Fertility in South Korea and Taiwan: From a Perspective of Gender Labor Market.Discourse 201, 24(3): pp.193-230.
2021Hsiu-Hui Chen and Shih–Jiunn Shi (2021). Changing Dynamics of Social Policy in Democracy: Comparing Pension and Health Reforms in Taiwan.Journal of Asian Public Policy, 14(1): 30-44.
2021Suetgiin Soon, Chelsea C. Chou, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2021). Withstanding the Plague: Institutional Resilience of the East Asian Welfare State.Social Policy & Administration, 55(2): 374-387.
2021Shih-Jiunn Shi, The Changing Credibility of Institutions: How Household Registration Systems (Hukou) in Mainland China and Taiwan Define Immigrants’ Social Benefits. Journal of Chinese Governance, 6(2): 307–326.
2020張兆恬(2020年11月)。〈從平權到融入──簡介美國身心障礙者法之發展與挑戰〉。《月旦醫事法報告》,49,pp. 99-112。
2020Chung-yang Yeh, Hyunwook Cheng and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2020). Public-Private Pension Mixes in East Asia: Institutional Diversity and Policy Implications for Old-Age Security.Ageing & Society, 40(3): 604-625.
2020Young-Jun Choi, Evelyne Huber, Won-Sub Kim, Hyeok-Yong Kwon, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2020). Social Investment in the Knowledge-based Economy: New Politics and Policies.Policy & Society, 39(2): 147-170.
2020Won-sub Kim and Shih-Jiunn Shi, (2020). East Asian Approaches of Activation: The Politics of Labor Market Policies in South Korea and Taiwan.Policy & Society, 39(2): 226-246.
2020〈후쿠자와 유키치 유학비판의 배경과 해석- 동아시아 유학사 재인식을 위한 출발점〉(〈福澤諭吉儒學批判的背景與解釋——對東亞儒學史再認識的出發點〉) 
2020Talents First!: Wu Ta-you and Science Policy Infrastructures in the Republic of China (1927-1970)
2020Liu, Chiu-Wan, Return migration, online entrepreneurship and gender performance in the Chinese ‘Taobao families’, Asia Pacific Viewpoint (SSCI), June.
2019Hong, I., Kwon, E., Kim, B. (2019). Measuring Social Policy Change in Comparative Research: Survey Data Evidence from South Korea.Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice.21(2): 131-150 (SSCI) 
2019Kwon, S., Hong, I. (2019). Is South Korea as leftist as it gets? Labour market reforms under the Moon presidency.Political Quarterly, 90(2): 81-88 (SSCI) 
2019Chao-Tien Chang (2019, Dec). Whose Duty of Elder Care?—Examining the Aging Law and Policy in Taiwan. Wisconsin International Law Journal, 37(1), pp.1-43.
2019Chao-Tien Chang (2019, May). Bank on We the People: Why and How Public Engagement is Relevant to Biobanking. Michigan Technology Law Review, 25(2), pp.239-301.
2019Tsung-Hsi Fu, Shih-Jiunn Shi, and Hung-Yang Lin (2019). Portability of Social Security Pension in Taiwan.NTU Management Review,29(2): 173-200.
2019〈韓日 儒學史에 나타난 ‘古學’의 차이-오규소라이・이토진사이・허목・조익의 예를 중심으로-〉(〈韓日儒學史中的「古學」的異同——以荻生徂來、伊藤仁齋、許穆、趙翼的例子為核心〉)(KCI)
2019〈對朝鮮時代「實學」概念的考察〉(KCI),《韓國史學報》,75,pp115~148 〈日韓儒學史における「普遍」と「特殊」-拜讀:高山大毅著『近世日本の「礼学」と「修辞」』-書評〉,《中國-社會と文化》,34,pp269-277
2018Hong, I. (2018). Immigration and the Boundaries of Social Citizenship in East Asia. Theoretical Considerations in a Comparative Perspective,OMNES: The Journal of Multicultural Society. 8(2): 37-66. (KCI)
2018Hong, I. (2018). Work, welfare access and social exclusion for immigrants in South Korea. New empirical evidence focused on Seoul and Gyeong-gi area.Multiculture and Peace(다문화와 평화), 12(1): 1-30 (KCI)
2018Hong, I. and Roh, K. (2018). Evaluation of a community development program in Nepal. A Propensity Score Analysis.Research on Social Work Practice. 28(6): 721-730. (SSCI) 
2018張兆恬(2018年09月)。〈論「民主審議」作為一項生命倫理原則及其規範意涵〉。《中研院法學期刊》(TSSCI),23, pp.219-321。
2018Daniel Beland, Philip Rocco, Shih-Jiunn Shi and Alex Waddan (2018). Paths to (De)centralization: Changing Territorial Dynamics of Social Policy in the People’s Republic of China and the United States.Environment & Planning C: Politics & Space, 36(5): 897-915.
2018〈朝鮮の帝王教育における「正心」論一一儒家士大夫の共同統治の構想〉,《「心身/身心」と「環境」の哲学―一東アジアの伝統的概 念の再検討とその普遍化の試み-》,pp183-194.
2017Hong, I. (2017). Varietà dei capitalismi di welfare in Asia tra produttivismo e diritti sociali. Stato e Mercato, 2: 311-338 (SCOPUS)
2017張兆恬(2017年03月)。〈論醫院中媒體採訪之法律與倫理問題 —美國Chanko v. ABC案的啟示〉。《月旦醫事法報告》,第5期,pp.193-213。
2017Shih-Jiunn Shi, Chung-Yang Yeh, and Yuen-wen Ku (2017). Cultural Convergence or Political-economic Institutional Divergence? A Comparative Study of Welfare Reforms in Greater China.Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences , 49(Spring/Summer): 131 – 166.
2017Shih-Jiunn Shi and Suetgiin Soon (2017). Comparing the First CRPD State Reports of Germany and South Korea: Lessons for Taiwan.Community Development Journal, 157:  220-235.
2017Shih-Jiunn Shi (2017). Reviving the Dragon: Social Ideas and Social Policy Development in Modern China.Issues & Studies, 53(3): 1-25.
2017Shih-Jiunn Shi(2017). The Bounded Welfare Pluralism: Public-Private Partnerships under Social Management in China.Public Management Review, 19(4): 463-478.
2017Shih-Jiunn Shi and Hui-Yu Chen (2016). Asymmetric Incorporation: Comparing Social Rights of Cross-Strait Migrants.Chinese Public Policy Review, 11: 155-176.
2017Shih-Jiunn Shi (2017). Social Decentralisation: Exploring the Competitive Solidarity of Regional Social Protection in China.Journal of Asian Public Policy,10(1): 74-89.
2017〈朝鮮儒者中華認同的新解釋――「天下」與「國家」的整合分析〉(THCI Core)
2016Shih-Jiunn SHI, Tsung-Hsi Fu, Shih-Jiunn Shi, Hung-Yang Lin and Chiu-Lan Chang (2016). From Automatic Adjustment to Automatic Balance: Changing Adjustment Mechanisms of Pension Benefits in Advanced Welfare States.NTU Social Work Review, 33: 89-128.
2016Shih-Jiunn Shi. (2016). Book Review: Strengthening Social Protection in East Asia, edited by Mukul G. Asher and Fukunari Kimura. New York: Routledge.Journal of Aging & Social Policy,28(2): 130-131.
2015Hong, I. (2015). Neoliberalism and community welfare in Italy: local differentiations in response to the crisis with a focus on the Lazio region.Life Studies(생명연구). 35: 219-250 (KCI)
2015"Technological Construction as Identity Formation: Constructing Taiwan’s High Speed Rail during the 1990s State Transformation"
2015A Personal View of the Evaluation of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Higher Education
2014Hong, I. (2014). Italian welfare in the aftermath of crisis: neoliberal reforms and limits to the path dependency approach.Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare. 41(2): 73-91 (SCOPUS)
2014Hong, I. (2014). Book Review: Social Class and the Helping Professions: A Clinician’s Guide to Navigating the Landscape of Class in America. Research on Social Work PracticeMarch 24: 253-255,doi:10.1177/1049731512468493
2014Hong, I. (2014). Trends and Determinants of Social Expenditure in Korea, Japan and Taiwan. Social Policy and Administration. 48(6): 647-665 (2014 SP&A Early Stage Career Researcher prize) (SSCI) 
2014Chiu-Wan Liu and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2014). No Longer a Guest Worker? Institutional Changes of Social Security for Migrant Workers in China.Taiwanese Journal of Social Welfare, 11(2): 89-139.
2014劉秋婉、施世駿, 客工生涯結束?中國大陸農民工社會保障制度變遷之探析
2014〈東亞學術史觀的殖民扭曲與重塑―以韓國「朝鮮儒學創見模式」的經學論述為核心〉(THCI Core)
2014Yamada Hōkoku on Mencius’ Theory of Nurturing Qi: A Historical Perspective,
2013Hong I. (2013). Italian welfare in the aftermath of economic crisis: understanding welfare reforms in the light of alternative theoretical approaches.Korea Social Policy Review(한국사회정책학회). 20(3): 197-221. (KCI)
2013Hong I., Atteraya, M. (2013). A Community Needs Assessment of Migrant Workers in Ansan City,South Korea.Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development. 23(4): 253-269. DOI:10.1080/02185385.2013.803933 (SSCI) 
2013Won-sub Kim and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2013). Emergence of New Welfare States in East Asia? Domestic Social Changes and the Impact of 'Welfare Internationalism' in South Korea and Taiwan (1945-2012).International Journal of Social Quality, 3(2): 106-124.
2013Shih-Jiunn SHI (2013). Pension Reforms Beginn with Babies: Restructuring Generation Contract under Population Ageing.Community Development Journal, 144: 121-131.
2013Taiwan in 2012:Curse of the Second-Term President?
2012Shih-Jiunn Shi (2012). Shifting Dynamics of the Welfare Politics in Taiwan: From Income Maintenance to Labour Protection,Journal of Asian Public Policy, 5(1):  82-96.
2012Fen-ling Chen and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2012) Social Exclusion Experiences of Atypical Workers: A Case Study of Taipei. International Journal of Social Quality, 2(2): 43-62.
2012Shih-Jiunn Shi and Ka-Ho Mok(2012). Pension Privatisation in Greater China: Institutional Patterns and Policy Outcomes. International Journal of Social Welfare, 21, issue supplement, 30-45.
2012Shih-Jiunn Shi (2012). Towards Inclusive Social Citizenship? Rethinking China’s Social Security in the Trend towards Urban-rural Harmonisation,Journal of Social Policy, 41(4): 789-810.
2012Shih-Jiunn Shi(2012).Social Policy Learning and Diffusion in China: The Rise of Welfare Regions?Policy & Politics,  40(3): 367-385.
2012Shih-Jiunn Shi and Wan-Ling Liang (2012). Changing European Social Model: Exploring the Development of EU Pension Policy.Social Policy & Social Work, 16(2): 47-94.
2012Science, Technology, and the Transformation of Liberal-democratic Political Order: Modern American Scientific Ideology and Political Experience
2012Taiwan in 2011: Focus on Crucial Presidential Election
2011Shih-Jiunn Shi and Yeh, Y.M. (2011). Political Democratization and Social Policy: Exploring the Impact of Political Institutions on the Pension Scheme-Building in Taiwan.NTU Social Work Review, 23: 47-92.
2011Shih-Jiunn Shi (2011). The Contesting Quest for Old-Age Security: Institutional Politics in China’s Pension Reforms.Journal of Asian Public Policy, 4(1): 42-60.
2010Lin, Chao-Yin, Yun-Tung Wang, and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2010). The Features of Social Cohesion in Taiwan: A Social Quality Perspective.Journal of State and Society, (8):  47-97.
2009Chung-Yang Yeh and Shih-Jiunn Shi (2009). Paradigm Continuity or Paradigm Shift? Study of Pension Reforms in the UK and Germany.Social Policy & Social Work, 13(1): 1-51.
2009Shih-Jiunn Shi (2009). Sub-nationalization of Social Protection: The Spatial- Politics Transformation of Social Citizenship in China.Taiwanese Sociology, 18: 43-93.
2008Shih-Jiunn Shi (2008). Emergence of the Notion of Retirement in Rural China: The Case of Rural Districts of Shanghai.Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie,  41(5): 134-144.
2006Shih-Jiunn Shi (2006). Left to Market and Family – Again? Ideas and the Development of the Rural Pension Policy in China.Social Policy & Administration, 40(7): 791-806.
2005Shih-Jiunn Shi (2005). New Governance of the EU and the Development of European Social Policy: Historical Context and Policy Implication of the "Open Method of Coordination." Taiwanese Journal of Social Welfare, 4(1): 1-50.
2004 "中共西部大開發的社會模式"
2002Shih-Jiunn Shi (2002). The Life-Course Research into the Impact of Social Policy.  Social Policy & Social Work, 6(1),: 101-157.
2002 "邦聯構想平議"
1999 "「大選區、多席次、兩票制」研析"
1997The Origin of Taiwan's Local Election and Transforma-tion of St
1996 "論省縣自治法施行後的省議會"
1996Local Factions and Elections in Taiwan's Democratization
1996 "中山先生考試思想新論"
1991 "「國父思想」教學的規劃與檢討"
1991Local factions and Taiwan's Democratization