2024Shih-Jiunn SHI. How Politics Does Gender: Partisan Politics and Women Constituencies in South Korea and Taiwan. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Research Network. September 13-14. Kyoto, Japan. (co-authored with Ijin Hong and Fen-lin Chen).
2024Critically Unpacking Gender Politics in Taiwan.
2024Can Fintech Help Cover Medical Costs for the Socio-economically Disadvantaged Groups in Developing Countries? A Case Study on the Development of China's Crowdfunded Healthcare Platform 'Xianghubao'.
2024Chen, Yu-Wen, Hsini Huang, Chiu-Wan Liu, Helen K. Liu, Chin-Huai Shih, Yuan Hung Miau, and Chun Lin Chen. Can Artificial Intelligence Assist in Policy Decision-Making? Using a Simulated Experimental Investigation Method to Examine the Decision-Making Process of an Asset-Building Policy in Taiwan.
2024Fang-Chih Lin, Chiu-Wan Liu. Rethinking the Relationship and Technology Governance between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Government and Platform Enterprise: A Case Study of Alibaba Taocaicai before and after Covid-19.
2024Shih-Jiunn Shi. Sustaining Old-Age Security in China: Tackling Regional and Occupational Inequalities in Recent Pension Reforms. Paper presented at the annual conference of the ISA RC19 “Sustainable Welfare in Global Context: Responding to Societal and Environmental Transformations” Oslo Metropolitan University 3-6 September, 2024.
2023張兆恬 (2023, Dec). 藉由人工智慧法規重新思考數位福利國家Reflecting AI in Social Welfare Through the Lens of Digital Welfare State. 2023第九屆「科技發展與法律規範」學術研討會—資料治理與以資料進行治理 Data Governance and Datafied Governance, 台北:中央研究院法律所
2023Chao-Tien Chang (2023, Jun). Regulating Caregiving Technologies for Elderly. Law and Society Association Annual Conference of 2023, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
2023〈조선후기 경학사 서술 재고-20세기 동아시아 학술사의 한 국면(反思朝鮮後期經學史-20世紀東亞學術史的一局面)〉, 韓國學中央研究院藏書閣舉辦「2023藏書閣學術研討會:朝鮮後期經學的東亞視野的探討」
2023〈 Korean Confucian Scholarship on Zhu Xi Learning in the 17th Century 〉, 臺灣海峽兩岸朱子文化交流促進會、文德書院舉辦「朱子學國際學術研討會」
2023〈韓國思想史與「知識論危機」的套用〉, 中研院人社中心政治思想研究專題中心「2023帝國與文明:世界秩序的多元想像研討會」
2023林奇瑩、 劉秋婉 、李柏翰。試探儒家家庭觀在臺灣挺/反同婚運動中的角色
2023宋亮諭、 劉秋婉。男性角色實踐與性別規範的「 鴻溝 」: 臺灣科技業工程師父職的性別展演邊界初探
2023Hsiu-Yu Tori FAN (2023, Sep). Constitutional Rights during Wartime in Contemporary Liberal Democracies. American Political Science Association, Los Angeles & Virtual.
2023Shih-Jiunn Shi and Suet-giin Soon. A Journey from Deservingness to Rights: The Changing Paradigm of Disability Employment in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Research Network, Sydney, Australia. 2023.09.14-2023.09.15.
2022張兆恬(2022年09月)。醫院醫學倫理委員會的功能與角色 --以美國法為鑑。2022衛生法律與政策研討會,台北:台灣大學。NSTC:106-2410-H-009-028。
2022〈退溪 李滉과 ‘容忍’의 문화(退溪李滉和「容忍」文化)〉,國際退溪學會舉辦第29屆儒教思想與退溪學國際學術會議
2022〈동아시아 儒學史의 '보편'과 '특수'(〈東亞儒學史的「普遍」與「特殊」)〉,韓國實學學會舉辦「2022東亞實學國際學術會議」
2022Same Aging, Different Caregiving: Comparing the Long-Term Care Policy of the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan.
2022June 30th 2022. Measuring welfare state effort in China through social expenditure: what differences across provinces and time? Invited talk for the “Social Policy East Asia Exchange Workshop”. School for Business and Society, University of York. Zoom meeting
2022June 24-25 2022. Political regulation , institutional effectiveness and the differences of healthcare service performance: Empirical evidence from provincial panel data in China (2004-2020) (With Cao, G.). 18th EASP Conference “TRANSFORMATION OF POST-COVID WELFARE STATES IN EAST ASIA: BEYOND PRODUCTIVIST WELFARE CAPITALISM?”. Hosted and sponsored by EASP-Kihasa-Yonsei University
2022March 19-21st 2022. Diversity of welfare types in China: An assessment based on provincial-level social expenditure data. 2nd Forum on Welfare State and Social Policy. Hosted by Sun yat-sen University, coordinator: Ijin Hong (online)
2022February 7-8th 2022. How do familialism preferences for aged care services combine with long-term care policies? Insights into ageing in place from China, Japan and Taiwan. (with Chan, J.). Zoom Online Workshop Program hosted by School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Macao Polytechnic Institute
2022December 8 2022. Economic growth models and welfare reform. 中山共管·低淬研講. Sun Yat-sen University, Tencent meeting.
2022November 2 2022. Basic income discourses in the public agenda in South Korea. A Multiple Streams Approach based analysis (with Choi, Y., Bae, J.). 2022 Online International Symposium on Local Governance and Public Policy. Huazhong Agricultural University. Zoom meeting
2022October 6-7 2022. Developmentalism as a Growth Regime? Latest Welfare Developments and their Determinants in China. 2023 GTR-IYPAC International Yonsei Public Administration Conference. “Transformations of post-pandemic welfare states: new growth regimes and new social policies”. A collaboration between the University of Bath Institute for Policy Research (IPR), Yonsei University Institute for Welfare State Research (IWSR), and Yonsei University BK21 Four Project for Advancing Human Competence and Government Capacity. 201 Yonhee Hall, Yonsei University, Korea. Hybrid meeting
2022July 6-8 2022. Diversity of welfare types in China: An assessment based on provincial-level social expenditure data (with Zhang, H.). Social Policy Association (SPA) Annual Conference 2022. “Inter-generationality: Challenges and Prospects”. Swansea University, Singleton Park Campus. Hybrid conference
2022Hsiu-Yu Fan (2022, Jul). Constitutional Membership and Taiwan's Authoritarian Past. 2022法律與社會學會年會the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association (2022), Lisbon & Virtual.
2022Hsiu-Yu (Tori) Fan (2022, May). Restrictions on Citizens’ Exits Reconsidered: Taiwan, Young Democracy Under Threat. The 9th Asian Constitutional Law Forum, Taipei & Vitural.
2022Chao-Tien Chang (2022, Jul). Are Patients Autonomous at Their Late Stage? A Reflection from the End-of-Life Decision Law and Policy in Taiwan. Global Meeting on Law and Society, Lisbon, Portugal (virtual participation).
2022Wing-kit Chan, Chiu-Wan Liu, Shih-Jiunn Shi. Same Ageing, Different Caregiving: Comparing the Long-Term Care Policy of People's Republic of China and Taiwan. Paper presented at Association for Asian Studies 2022 Annual Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii, conference paper, 2022-03-24-2022-03-27.
2021〈經學史與「尊古」〉, 國立臺灣大學「東亞儒學的經典與文化」研究計畫臺灣大學人文社會高等研究院東亞儒學研究中心合辦舉辦2021「東亞儒學經典的傳統與當代」國際學術研討會
2021Untangling Obligatory and Intimate Relational Work in the ‘Taobao Families.’
2021(學術演講)Political Recentralisation under Xi Jinping and Its Impacts on the Fintech Industry
2021June 25 2021. SYSU Marketisation of Social Services in China: Theoretical Considerations.新發展階段的廣州服務創新研討會
2021June 24-26 2021. Addressing the new demand for care needs in industrialised China. 5th Transforming Care Conference, Ca Foscari University of Venice, Italy (online)
2021March 20-21 2021. The modernization thesis revisited: Post-Mao reform and welfare expansion in China since the 2000s. Forum on Welfare State and Social Policy. Comparative Research from China and South Korea. Hosted by Sun yat-sen University, coordinator: Ijin Hong (online)
202123-27 February 2021. When are social investment policies associated with more and better jobs for women? The role of dual labour markets. IV ISA Forum of Sociology in Porto Alegre, Brazil (online)
2021August 19-20 2021. Does the Perception of Quality of Government Drive Public Attitudes towards Redistribution in China? (With Yeh, C., Wu, X.). An Interdisciplinary, Cross-Cultural Rethinking of “Good Governance”: Theory, Practice, and Measurement. 香港城市大學公共政策系 Department of Public Policy, City University of Hong Kong 中山大學政治與公共事務管理學院 School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University 復旦大學全球公共政策研究院 Institute for Global Public Policy, Fudan University (online).
2021July 4 2021. The modernization thesis revisited: Social Policy Reform in the Emerging Welfare State in China (2000-2019) (with Ngok K.). The 17th Annual Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Research Network &The 27th Annual Conference of the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security “MITIGATING THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL IMPACT OF COVID-19: THE ROLE OF SOCIAL SECURITY AND SOCIAL WELFARE”. Hosted by Lingnan University, Hong Kong (online).
2021August 28-29 2021. From Poverty Alleviation to Human Capital Activation in China: Voices From an Underdeveloped Ethnic Minority Area in Sichuan (with Yang, Z.). 제16회 한중일 사회보장국제학술대회 “초고령사회에서의 사회보장과 경제부흥 - 팬데믹으로부터의 재건” (online)
2021November 4th 2021. Care deficit and the marketization of social services in China: The case of the South Guangdong Housemaking Scheme (nanyue jiazheng). Australia Social Policy Conference, UNSW Social Policy Research Centre (online).
2021October 19th 2021. Addressing the new demand for care needs in industrialised China: The pioneering experience of the South Guangdong Housemaking Project (with Zhu, Y.). Research workshop at the Nordic Centre, Fudan University. THE CHANGING CONDITIONS FOR SOCIAL RESILIENCE – SINO-NORDIC PERSPECTIVES ON SOCIAL POLICY
2021Hsiu-Yu (Tori) Fan (2021, May). Whither Equality: Implicit Bias and Equality in Law. Law and Society Association 2021 Annual Meeting. Virtual.
2021Chao-Tien Chang & Chingwen Hsueh (2021, Dec). Governance of Cross-Border Data Transfer in Taiwan: Shaping Data Sovereignty Through Integration to the International Standard. 7th Asian International Economic Law (AIELN) Conference, Singapore (Virtual).
2021Chao-Tien Chang & Chingwen Hsueh (2021, Nov). Geared to the International Standard for Sovereignty: Governance of Cross-Border Data Transfer in Taiwan. 2021 Online Research Workshop on Digital Trade Law Governance in the Asia- Pacific, Hsinchu (Virtual, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University School of Law), Taiwan.
2021Chao-Tien Chang (2021, Jun). Equality During Pandemic—Age as an Example. 44th Health Law Professors Conference, University of Northwestern, USA (virtual conference).
2021Chao-Tien Chang (2021, May). A Comparative Analysis on the Right to Die in the Context of the Aging Society. Law & Society Association Annual Meeting 2021, Chicago, USA (virtual conference).
2021張兆恬(2021年11月)。孝道可以外包給機器人嗎?─淺析照顧機器人的管制與倫理議題。人工智慧時代公法與國際法之交錯匯流國際研討會,台灣:台北 (中國文化大學法學院)。
2021Young-Jun Choi, Stefan Kuehner, and Shih-Jiunn Shi, From “New Social Risks” to “COVID Social Risks:” The Challenges for Inclusive Society in South Korea, Hong Kong, and Taiwan Amid the Pandemic. Paper presented at The 17th Annual Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Research Network & the 27th Annual Conference of the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security: Mitigating the Economic and Social Impact of Covid-19: The Role of Social Security and Social Welfare Responses in East and West - Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 研討會論文, 2021-07-02- 2021-07-04.
2021Wing-kit Chan and Shih–Jiunn Shi, Between Central Coordination and Regional Competition: Analyzing China’s Long-Term Care Reform from the Social Decentralization Perspective. Paper presented at the Forum on Welfare State and Social Policy: Comparative Research from China and Korea. Guangzhou, China, 研討會論文, 2021-03-20-2021-03-21.
20207 October 2020. Characteristics of the Southern European Welfare States and Covid19 policies. Colloquium no.1 for Soongsil University, Graduate School of Social Welfare, Social Welfare Research Institute(online). 남유럽 복지 모델의 특성과 코로나 대응. 2020년 숭실 사회복지연구소, 사회복지대학원 콜로키움1 (비대면 특강)
20202 December 2020. Does the perception of quality of government drive public attitudes towards redistribution in China? (with Wu, X., Yeh, C.). RC19 Conference, Taipei, Taiwan (online).
2020Chao-Tien Chang (2020, May). Robot Caregivers: Reconsider the Legal and Ethical Meaning of Elderly Care. Law and Society Association Annual Conference of 2020, Virtual Conference.
2020〈다원화사회 지식인의 행동 모델에 대한 고찰— 退溪 李滉의 예—〉,第28屆 退溪學國際學術會議「現代人的生活,問於退溪」,(遠距會議)
2019Chao-Tien Chang (2019, May).Whose Duty of Elder Care—Legal and Ethical Analysis Based on the Experience of Taiwan. The 2019 Law and Society Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA. MOST 107-2410-H-009-006-MY2.
2019Changing Marital Power Relations in the Digital era? Negotiating the Role of Breadwinner and Homemaker in the Chinese 'Taobao families’
201915 March 2019. Southern European Welfare States: The Case of Italy, Welfare State Research Association, Seoul, Sungkyungkwan University, South Korea. (남유럽 복지국가: 이탈리아 사례. 복지국가연구회, 서울, 성균관대학교).
201924-26 June 2019: How are Childcare Services Used According to Socioeconomic Status? A Comparison of the UK and South Korea (with Choi H.), Transforming Care Conference 2019, Copenhagen
20191-4 July 2019: The emerging politics of basic income: agenda-setting dynamics in South Korea (with Choi, Y.J., Bae, J.). The 16thAnnual Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Research Network“EAST ASIAN WELFARE FUTURES: BETWEEN PRODUCTIVISM AND SOCIAL INVESTMENT” July 2nd-3rd 2019, National Taiwan University. Taipei, Taiwan
20197-8 September 2019 Do universal childcare services help to reduce Matthew effects? Insights from England and South Korea. 제15회 한중일 사회보장국제학술대회 ‘혁신적 포용국가의 전망과 과제-동아시아 복지국가의 새로운 방향’ 건강보험공단 본부(강원도 원주)
20199-10 November 2019. Which institutional settings help decreasing inequality in childcare service use? Insights from England and South Korea (with Choi, H.J.). Conference SYSU.
201921-22 September 2019 Not just another 'welfare paradox' story: A multilevel analysis of social investment policies and female employment (with Kang, J., Lee, J.). International Conference on Social Governance and Public Policy: Comparative Studies on East Asia, SYSU, Guangzhou, P.R. China
2019Carmen J. Ho, Daniel Beland, Dragana Bodruzic, and Shih-Jiunn Shi, The Politics of Redistribution in democratic & authoritarian regimes, Annual Conference of the ISA RC 19 "Global Crises and Social Policy: Coping with Conflict, Migration and Climate Change". , Mannheim, Germany, 研討會論文, 2019-08-28-2019-08-30
2019施世駿、周怡君, 社會歐洲的(活躍)老化:人口高齡化下的歐盟社會政策, 「歐元二十週年暨歐盟莫內計畫三十週年」學術研討會, 中央研究院歐美研究所, , 2019-11-28-2019-11-29
2019Hsiu-Yu Fan (2019, Jun). Discrimination and Biases in A.I. Immigration and Border Enforcement: A Comparative Study on Taiwan and the United States. 2019法律與社會學會年會the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association (2019), Washington D.C.
2019Chao-Tien Chang (2019, Oct). A Third Paradigm of an International Privacy Standard? Examining the APEC Privacy Framework and the Cross-Border Privacy Rules System. Research Workshop: Digital Trade Law and Governance, Monash Business School, Monash University, Melbourne, Sydney.
20192019. Changing Marital Power Relations in the Digital-era? Negotiating the Role of Breadwinner and Homemaker in the Chinese Taobao Families, China Academic Network on Gender Biannual Conference, Brussel, Belgium, 2019-02-14-2019-02-16. 2019. Changing Marital Power Relations in the Digital-era? Negotiating the Role of Breadwinner and Homemaker in the Chinese Taobao Families, China Academic Network on Gender Biannual Conference, Brussel, Belgium, 2019-02-14-2019-02-16.
2018〈The Japanese Origin of the Concept of "Practical Learning" in Korea〉,"Chinese Classics and the Commentarial Traditions in East Asia" The Third Biennial Conference of the World Consortium forResearch in Confucian Cultures.香港:香港理工大學
2018Reconfiguring the Gendered Inner Outer Dichotomy: Negotiating the Role of Provider and Housekeeper in the ‘Taobao Families’.
2018The Reconfiguration of Confucian Familism in a Taobao village of Southern China.
201827 April 2018: Ways out of dualism? The politics of ideas and labour market reform in Japan and South Korea (with Kwon, S., and Ahn, J.). 2018 Conference of the Seoul Association for Public Administration Studies, Seoul National University
201815-21 July 2018: Ways out of Dualism? the Politics of LM Reform in Japan and South Korea (with Kwon, S., and Ahn, J.); The Uses of Social Investment in East Asia: How Work-Family Reconciliation Policies Make the Labour Market ‘Flow’ in Japan, Korea and Taiwan (with Lee J.). 19th World Congress of the International Sociological Association (ISA), Toronto.
201823-25 June 2018: Public opinion on social investment in the developmental states (with Yeh, C., and Lee, J.). 2018 annual SASE conference, Kyoto
201824-25 November 2018. Ways out of dualism? The politics of labour market reform in Japan and South Korea (with Kwon, S., Ahn, J.). International conference “Poverty, Inequality and Social Policy”. Guangzhou, China
20189 November 2018. The emerging agenda of basic income in South Korea. Institutions, ideas and challenges ahead (with Choi, Y., Bae, J.). New directions in welfare state reform: Innovation, social investment, and basic income. Yonsei University, Seoul
201830-31 August 2018. The emerging discourse of basic income in South Korea: Institutions, ideas and challenges ahead (with Choi, Y., and Bae, J.). 16th ESPAnet conference, Vilnius.
2018Shih-Jiunn Shi and Won-Sub Kim, From Full Employment to Activation? The Politics of Active Labour Market Policies in South Korea and Taiwan , 15th Annual Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Network, Bristol, UK, , 2018-07-05-2018-07-06
2018Hsiu-Yu Fan (2018, Jun). Civil Participation of Non-Citizens and Performative Citizenship in the United States and Taiwan: A Comparative Study. 2018法律與社會學會年會the Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association (2018), Toronto, Canada.
2018Hsiu-Yu Fan (2018, Jun). From “Our Constitution”, “Our People”, to “Our Justices”: Constructing a Non-citizen “People”. 2018 國際公法學會年會ICON-S (2018), Hong Kong.
2018Chao-Tien Chang (2018, Oct). An International Standard of Data Protection and Privacy? A Perspective from CPTPP. NCTU School of Law Workshop on Laws of World Trade and International Investment: The WTO, CPTPP, and Beyond, Taipei, Taiwan.
2018Chao-Tien Chang (2018, May). How the Taiwanese Constitutional Court Addressed the Controversies of the Same-Sex Marriage Issue—A Deliberative Democratic View. 15th ASLI Conference, National Seoul University, Korea.
2018(Award Receiving Speech)Transforming Patriarchy in the Digital Era: A Case Study of a Taobao Village in Southern Fujian
2018Reconfiguring the Gendered Inner-Outer Dichotomy: Negotiating the Role of Provider and Housekeeper in the ‘Taobao Families’, The Invisible Within: Actors, Relationships and Activities in Chinese Migrant Families
20182018. The Reconfiguration of Confucian Familism in a Taobao Village of Southern China, British Association for Chinese Studies Annual Conference, London, United Kingdom, 2018-09-12-2018-09-14.
2017〈朝鮮儒學史上的「實學」——以17世紀東亞爲視野的考察〉,2017 中央研究院明清研究國際學術研討會,臺北:中央研究院
2017June 23rd 2017: Is there a link between welfare regimes and citizenship attitudes? An exploratory LCA with multilevel data. The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2017, Seoul, Yonsei University
20172-3 August 2017: Social investment policies and women’s employment across 16 industrialised countries (with Kang, J., Lee, J.). 14th EASP conference “East Asian Social Policy in a Changing Environment: Comparisons, Visions and Futures”. Toyoda Auditorium, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
2017July 6-8 2017: Social investment for whom? A quantitative analysis of attitudes on gender roles and family policy reform in East Asia (with Lee, J.). British Academy International Exchange. University of Leeds, Leeds
2017Hsiu-Yu Fan (2017, Jun). Rethinking Local Involvement in Immigration Administration: The Case of Migrant Population in New Taipei City. Law and Society Association (International) Annual Meeting 2017, Mexico City, Mexico.
2017Chao-Tien Chang (2017, Dec). Appeal to the Universal Value, or Response to the Local Society? An Analysis of the Taiwanese Constitutional Court’s Decision on Same-Sex Marriage. 2017 Asian Law and Society Annual Conference, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
2017Chao-Tien Chang (2017, Dec). Is the Right to be Forgotten a Universal Right? A Comparative Perspective from Taiwan and Japan. 2017 Asian Law and Society Association Annual Conference, National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
2017Chao-Tien Chang (2017, May). Do Corporations have the Right to Privacy? — The US Jurisprudence and Lessons for Taiwan. 14th Asian Law Institute Conference, Manila, Phillipine.
2016Chao-Tien Chang (June 2016). Triple Review: How do the Research Ethics Committees of Biobanks Function in Taiwan . 2016 Law and Society Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA. MOST 105-2410-H-009-002
2016〈朝鮮の帝王教育における「正心」論——儒家士大夫統治の構想〉(日文), 第49屆國際研討會「「心身/身心」と「環境」の哲学――東アジアの伝統的概念の再検討とその普遍化の試み――」,日本京都
2016May 26th2016: Issues of the Italian welfare state. Graduate School of Social Welfare, Ewha Women’s University, Seoul.
2016April 22nd 2016: Impact evaluation of a community development program in Doti, Nepal (with Roh, K.). 2016 Conference of the Korea Association for Policy Studies “Policy issues for social inclusiveness”. Seoul, Korea Research Institute for Public Administration
2016March 5th 2016: What social rights for migrants in Korea? A research agenda. Social Policy Research Meeting, Sogang University, Seoul.
2016August 22-24th 2016: Do Family Policies Influence Attitudes on Gender Roles and Behaviours in East Asia? A Social Investment Perspective from South Korea, Japan and Taiwan (with Kang, J., Lee, J.).. British Academy International Exchange. Yonsei University, Seoul.
2016July 1-2nd 2016: Do Family Policies Influence Attitudes on Gender Roles and Behaviours in East Asia? A Social Investment Perspective from South Korea, Japan and Taiwan (with Kang, J., Lee, J.). 13th EASP conference “Social Policy and Gender in East Asia”, Ewha Womans University, South Korea:
2016June 11th 2016: Reloading the Dependent Variable Problem in South Korea: Implications from Survey-Based Welfare Recipiency Data (with Kim, B., Kwon, E.). Welfare Forum, Korea Research Institute on Welfare, Yonsei University
2016September 22nd – 24th2016: I sistemi di welfare nell’Est asiatico a confronto: tra produttivismo e diritti sociali. ESPAnet Italia. University of Macerata, Italy
2016Shih-Jiunn Shi, Rebirth and Transformation of Bismarckian and Beveridge Models: Exploring the Changing Governance of Pension Reforms in East Asia, Paper presented at the 24th IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Poznań, Poland, 會議論文, 2016-07-23-2016-07-28
2016Shih-Jiunn Shi, The Changing Credibility of Institutions: How Household Registration Systems (Hukou) in China and Taiwan Define Immigrants’ Social Benefits, Paper presented at the 28th annual conference of European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy, Manchester, UK, 會議論文, 2016-11-03-2016-11-05
2015Chao-Tien Chang (2015). Public Engagement in Biobanking—Why and How to Integrate We the People in Bioethical Discourses. the 4th East Asia Law and Society Conference, Tokyo, Japan
2015September 3rd-5th 2015: From Productivism to Inclusiveness? Recent Welfare Recipiency Trends in the Maturing South Korean Welfare State (with Kim, B., Kwon, E.). 13th ESPAnet conference “The lost and new worlds of welfare”, Odense, Denmark.
2015June 27th 2015: Social Citizenship as a Balance Between Welfare Rights and Needs: in Search of a Theoretical Framework for Asian Welfare Systems. Japanese Association for Social Policy Studies (JASPS) conference, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo.
2014August 27-29 2014: Access to welfare for immigrants in South Korea: a social policy analysis 11th IMISCOE conference “Immigration, Social Cohesion and Social Innovation”. Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones (IUEM), Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid
2014July 24-25 2014: Social citizenship in South Korea: a comparative social policy perspective. 11th Easy Asian Social Policy (EASP) Conference “Managing Changing Welfare Needs in a Growing Transborder East Asia: Social Policy Responses., University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu
2014November 29th 2014: Neoliberalism and community welfare in Italy. Research Institute for Life Studies, Seogang University
2014September 18-20 2014: Access to welfare for immigrants in South Korea: a social policy analysis. Espanet Italia, 7th conference, Turin University, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Torino
2014Shih-Jiun Shi, Changing Politics of Social Policy in the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America., Paper presented at the XVIII World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Yokohama, Japan, 研討會論文, 2014-07-13-2014-07-19
2014Shih-Jiun Shi, Social Knowledge and Social Policy Development in China., Paper presented at the international workshop ‘Understanding Southern Welfare – the B(R)ICS Countries’., University of Bielefeld, Germany, 研討會論文, 2014-11-24-2014-11-26
2013May 24th 2013: Italian welfare in the aftermath of crisis: applying the advocacy coalition framework (ACF) for understanding the rationale behind policy change and neoliberal reforms. Social Welfare Policy Spring Conference, Sogang University, Seoul.
2013April 6th 2013: Italian welfare in the aftermath of crisis. Neoliberal reforms and limits to the path dependency approach. Social Policy Research Meeting, Sogang University, Seoul.
2013November 14th 2013: Labour Market, Social Cohesion and Much More: a Primer on Welfare in Italy. Invited presentation for Institute of Public Affairs & Administration Studies Department, Yonsei University, Seoul.
2013施世駿 , 〈歐盟性別平等政策與跨域治理〉, 《歐盟社會發展政策與公共治理新趨勢研討會》, 公務人員發展中心, 研討會論文, 2013-09-06-2013-09-06
2013Shih-Jiun Shi, A New Mode of Welfare Mix? Promoting Partnership under Social Management in China., Paper presented at the 55th Annual Conference of the American Association of Chinese Studies, New Brunswick, NJ: The Rutgers State University of New Jersey. , 研討會論文, 2013-10-12-2013-10-13
2012June 18-20 2012: Migrant Workers in South Korea: A Community Needs Assessment of Ansan City, (with Atteraya, M.), 8th International Conference on Evaluation for Practice “Evaluation as a Tool for Research, Learning, and Making Things Better”, City of Pori, Finland
2012Shih-Jiun Shi, From Economic to Social Decentralisation: Exploring the Competitive Solidarity of Regional Social Policy in China., The annual conference of Social Policy Association, York University, UK., 研討會論文
2012施世駿 , 〈歐盟社會政策的治理本質與形式演變〉, 《歐盟公共治理發展趨勢與展望》, 國立東華大學, 研討會論文, 2012-11-02-2012-11-03
2012兩岸政治談判中協商主體與身分研究, 兩岸關係和平發展制度化學術研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2012-06-25-2012-06-25
2011August 25-27 2011: Linking Welfare Regimes and Attitudes on Social Citizenship: a Comparative Perspective, Annual Meeting of RC19, ISA Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy RC19, Seoul National University, Korea
2011Shih-Jiun Shi Co-authored with Chung-yang Yeh, Public-Private Pension Mix and Its Governance: Japan and Taiwan Compared, at the Annual International Conference of the International Sociological Association, RC19, Seoul National University, South Korea
2011Shih-Jiun Shi, Towards Inclusive Social Citizenship? Rethinking China
2011"為什麼大多數臺灣民眾感受不到北京政府的善意?~一項敵意來源的分析" , 「2011 年臺灣政治學會年會暨『辛亥百年與兩岸政治發展』學術研討會」, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2011-11-12-2011-11-13
2010August 20-21 2010: Trends and Determinants of Social Expenditure in East Asia, EASP 7th Conference “Searching for new policy paradigms in East Asia: initiatives, ideas and debates”, sponsored by OECD Korea & Sogang University, Seoul
2010Shih-Jiun Shi, Saving in Addition to Contributing: Political Economy of Pension Privatization in Greater China, at the XVII ISA World Congress of Sociology, Gothenburg, Sweden., 研討會論文, 2010-07-11-2010-07-17
2010Shih-Jiun Shi, Policy Learning and Diffusion in Chinese Social Policy, at the 6th International Symposium and Lectures on Social Policy, Hangzhou, China., 研討會論文, 2010-08-27-2010-08-29
2010"Managing Political Security Dilemma and Creating Value Basis for Peaceful Co-existence across Taiwan Strait: An inter-state perspective", Symposium on “Civility and Peace Dialogue”, London, 研討會論文, 2010-11-05-2010-11-07
2010"五都選舉與民進黨轉型", 「2010台灣政治學會年會暨學術研討會」, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2010-11-04-2010-11-04
2010"中國參與亞太區域經濟機制的現況與展望", 亞太和平研究論壇, 台北, 研討會論文
2010"新的一年兩岸關係發展與前瞻", 亞太合作和平研究論壇, 台北, 研討會論文
2010"中共「兩會」後兩岸關係發展的前瞻", 兩岸事務座談會, 台北, 研討會論文
2010"當前總統政見、列管及成效評估機制之分析", 「總統政見形成、落實執行與成效評估」研討會, 台北, 研討會論文
2010"台灣政局對兩岸關係的影響", 兩岸關係研討會, 中國, 研討會論文
2010"兩岸互設綜合辦事機構之可行性", 亞太基金會論壇, 台北, 研討會論文
2010"兩岸展開海上執法共同合作之問題", 亞太基金會論壇, 台北, 研討會論文
2010"從藍營觀點尋求兩岸政治關係之可能共識", 亞太基金會論壇, 台北, 研討會論文
2010"兩岸政治協商路徑圖:時機、途徑與利弊", 亞太基金會論壇, 台北
2010"中共操作辛亥革命議題之研析", 「中共紀念辛亥革命之研析」, 台北, 研討會論文
2010"ECFA簽訂後的兩岸關係:回顧與前瞻", 「兩岸關係學術研討會」, 中國, 研討會論文
2010"關於達成兩岸和平協議的一些想法", 「兩岸關係和平發展與機遇管理學術研討會」, 研討會論文
2010"當前的五都選情與兩岸關係", 「兩岸關係學術研討會」, 中國, 研討會論文
2009January 7-9 2009: Pension Reform in the Italian and the Korean Debate, “Asian Social Protection in Comparative Perspective”, co-sponsored by APPAM, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (National University of Singapore) and the University of Maryland School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore
2009Shih-Jiun Shi Co-author with Chao-Yin Lin and Yun-Tung Wang, Comparative Study of Social Cohesion between Taiwan and Korea with Reference to Attitudes towards Immigrants, at the Symposium ‘Development of Survey Questionnaire on Social Quality (SQSQ) in Asian Societies’, Seoul National University, South Korea. , , 2009-03-18-2009-03-19
2009Shih-Jiun Shi, The Territorial Politics of Social Protection in China: Local Governments as an Emerging Locomotive of Policy Learning and Diffusion, At the annual Conference of the International Sociological Association, RC 19, ‘Social Policies: Local Experiments, Travelling Ideas’, Montreal, Canada., 研討會論文, 2009-08-20-2009-08-22
2009"兩岸簽署和平協議的風險管理" , 「2009台灣政治學會年會暨學術研討會」, 新竹市, 研討會論文, 2009-11-01-2009-11-01
2009"當前兩岸「政治安全困境」的風險管理", 「兩岸關係的和平發展與機遇管理」研討會, 北京, 研討會論文, 2009-08-01-2009-08-01
2009 "李扁時期臺灣與中國關係的比較:一項政治層面的「安全困境」分析" , 「當前兩岸關係」座談會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2009-07-01-2009-07-01
2009‘Cross-Strait Relations under the DPP Administration’, “A New Era in Cross-Strait Relations—Challenges, Opportunities, and Constraints”, California, 研討會論文, 2009-05-29-2009-05-30
2009"胡六點對兩岸政治定位與政治談判規劃的涵義", 「兩岸政治定位與政治談判研討座談會」, 台北, 研討會論文
2009"統一前台灣的政治地位", 「一年來兩岸關係發展與台灣政治情勢研討座談會」, 北京, 研討會論文
2009"兩岸人民交流對兩岸法律關係之影響", 「亞太和平研究論壇」, 台北, 研討會論文
2009"〈中共參與亞太經濟機制現況之研析〉", 「遠景基金會論壇」, 台北, 研討會論文
2009"〈從中共「兩會」看大陸政經社情勢與對台政策走向〉", 「從中共"兩會"看大陸政治經濟情勢與兩岸經貿走向研討座談會」, 台北, 研討會論文
2009"海峽論壇召開之背景與實際內容分析", 「亞太和平研究論壇」, 台北, 研討會論文
2009 "中共暨國際對馬總統就職週年講話反應之研析", 「遠景基金會論壇」, 台北, 研討會論文
2009"中國政經現況與兩岸互動情勢", 「外交人員培訓研討會」, 台北, 研討會論文
2009"《台灣同胞權益保護法》對兩岸政治地位的影響及我因應之道〉", 「亞太和平研究論壇」, 台北, 研討會論文
2008Shih-Jiun Shi, The Consolidation of a Fragmented Pension System: The Politics of Pension Reform in Taiwan 1993-2008, at the Symposium ‘The Quest for Social Cohesion in Greater China: Challenges for Social Policy and Governance’, University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong., 研討會論文, 2008-06-20-2008-06-20
2008Shih-Jiun Shi, The Contested Quest for Social Cohesion: Political Institutions and Their Challenge for Governance in Chinese Social Policy, At the annual Conference of Social Policy Association ‘Challenging Boundaries’, University of Edinburgh, UK., 研討會論文, 2008-06-23-2008-06-25
2008〈陸客來台觀光案談判研究~一項賽局理論的分析〉, 「2008年臺灣政治學會年會暨學術研討會」, 南投, 研討會論文, 2008-11-22-2008-11-22
2008〈國際社會對臺灣今年聯合國推案之立場研析〉, 遠景基金會論壇, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2008-11-18-2008-11-18
2008〈本屆APEC峰會與兩岸關係發展趨勢之探討〉, 遠景基金會論壇, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2008-11-18-2008-11-18
20082008年臺灣叩關聯合國之情勢預判, 遠景基金會論壇, 臺北, , 2008-09-20-2008-09-20
20082008年臺灣叩關聯合國之情勢預判, 遠景基金會論壇, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2008-09-20-2008-09-20
2008中共奧運期間對臺統戰工作之分析, 遠景基金會論壇, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2008-08-27-2008-08-27
2008當前北京對台策略剖析, 新形勢下的兩岸關係研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2008-05-16-2008-05-16
2008"〈經國先生與台灣民主的發展—經國先生與台灣的人才甄補〉" , 「蔣經國先生與台灣民主發展」學術研討會, 台北, 研討會論文
2008 "總統大選後台灣政治情勢的動向", 「展望2008兩岸政經社發展」研討會, 南京, 研討會論文
2008 "馬英九大陸政策的前瞻", 「選後台灣政治情勢與兩岸關係展望」研討會, 中國武漢, 研討會論文
2008"〈兩會台北會談的可能議題及成效評估〉", 「兩會復談後兩岸關係之評估與展望」研討會, 台北, 研討會論文
2008"〈從國會外交的觀點看立法院在兩岸關係的可能作為〉", 「台美日中雙邊關係之展望研討會」, 台北, 研討會論文
2008 "〈中國大陸民主化之研究〉", 「兩岸關係發展與近代中國研討會」, 台北, 研討會論文
2007「中華民國第二共和憲法」草案~《憲法之修改、施行及過渡條款》論述, 審議式民主:《中華民國第二共和憲法草案》第二次研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2007-03-25-2007-03-25
2007「中華民國第二共和憲法」草案~《基本國策及原住民族專章》論述, 審議式民主:《中華民國第二共和憲法草案》第二次研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2007-03-25-2007-03-25
2007「中華民國第二共和憲法」草案~《內閣制中央政府體制》論述, 審議式民主:《中華民國第二共和憲法草案》第一次研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2007-03-18-2007-03-18
2007陳英鈐、陳慈陽, 「中華民國第二共和憲法」草案, 審議式民主:《中華民國第二共和憲法草案》第一次研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2007-03-18-2007-03-18
2007"加強滬台青年交流之我見", 「第一屆滬台城市論壇」, 上海, 研討會論文
2007"台灣第二階段憲政改造的剖析", 「2008前台灣政治與兩岸關係走向學術研討會」, 長沙, 研討會論文
2007"民進黨〈正常國家決議文〉研究", 第二屆「北京台研論壇」(台灣政局發展與兩岸關係研討會), 成都, 研討會論文
2007"十七大前後的兩岸關係", 「十七大與兩岸關係」研討會, 台北, 研討會論文
2007"〈孫中山的政治革新運動與青年學生〉" , 「第八屆海峽兩岸孫中山思想之研究與實踐學術研討會」, 台北, 研討會論文
2007"中國十七大後的政經情勢", 「中國的政經情勢與亞太安全」研討會, 台北, 研討會論文
2007 "台灣第三勢力的影響及未來展望" , 「台灣兩項大選及兩岸關係走向學術研討會」, 北京, 研討會論文
2006我國中央政府體制改採內閣制的改革方向與內容, 民主進步黨憲政改造研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2006-09-24-2006-09-24
2006國家安全與兩岸關係~陳總統2006年元旦祝詞的申論, 臺灣民主化與國家安全研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2006-01-22-2006-01-22
2006"國際海洋法的現代化與全球化", 「法學叢刊創刊50週年學術研討會」, 台北, 研討會論文
2006"兩岸互動的前瞻", 「兩岸政經情勢與兩岸關係展望研討會」, 北京, 研討會論文
2006 "近期(205.10-2006.3)從事兩岸學術交流之心得經驗", 「近期兩岸學術交流與兩岸關係展望」研討會, 台北, 研討會論文
2005臺灣的憲政改造與兩岸關係, 「憲政改造與兩岸關係」學術研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2005-06-18-2005-06-18
2005陳總統對「九二共識」與「兩岸一中」之態度與兩岸關係前景之分析, 『九二共識』、『兩岸一中』與兩岸關係前景」座談會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2005-05-25-2005-05-25
2005從「五一七聲明」至「反分裂國家法」看中共對台政策之轉向, 「中共最新對台政策」座談會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2005-04-21-2005-04-21
2005國民黨大陸熱對兩岸關係衝擊之評估, 「國內政黨領袖頻赴大陸訪問對兩岸關係影響之評估」座談會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2005-04-21-2005-04-21
2005國民黨高層連續出訪中國對臺灣利益與兩岸交流的影響, 「臺灣利益與兩岸交流」座談會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2005-04-14-2005-04-14
2005由國際觀點看江陳會面對我反「反分裂國家法」之影響, 「國際現勢新聞研析」第120次座談, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2005-04-12-2005-04-12
2005中國制定反分裂國家法的意圖與影響, 「反對中國制定反分裂國家法」座談會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2005-03-12-2005-03-12
2005 "台灣憲政改革面臨國際環境制約的策略", 國際環境因素「全球化趨勢下之世界、區域與國家建構」學術研討會, 台北, 研討會論文
2005 "馬英九當選主席後國民黨大陸政策的展望", 台北, 研討會論文
2005楊穎超, "臺灣族群政治的觀察" , 「臺灣研究的基礎與前沿學術研討會」, 廈門, 研討會論文
2004我國大陸政策的檢討與前瞻, 「台海安全的新視野」研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2004-12-18-2004-12-18
2004兩岸學者之兩岸關係研究中的理論與實踐研究, 「兩岸國際政治學」學術研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2004-10-23-2004-10-23
2004兩岸和平發展的機會與挑戰, 兩岸和平發展論壇, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2004-09-21-2004-09-21
2004兩岸未來可能妥協之道, 遠景基金會論壇, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2004-09-09-2004-09-09
2004「一國兩制」與香港政改前景, 「兩岸三地民主化的挑戰與展望」研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2004-08-28-2004-08-28
2004台美中軍演與區域安全, 台美中軍演與亞太區域安全」座談會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2004-08-07-2004-08-07
2004兩岸三通與台海安全的前瞻, 「兩岸三通與台海安全的前瞻」座談會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 2004-06-13-2004-06-13
2004、吳秀玲, "中共西部大開發的社會模式", 「兩岸社會發展學術研討會」, 台北, 研討會論文
2004"振興東北老工業基地與外商投資分析", 「遼台經濟合作與發展論壇」, 遼寧, 研討會論文
2004"民進黨的大陸政策", 「2004年兩岸關係發展研討會」, 南京, 研討會論文
2004 "2004立委選舉對兩岸關係之影響", 「兩岸關係論壇系列講座」, 台北, 研討會論文
2004"孫中山和平統一思想對當前兩岸關係的意義", 「第五屆海峽兩岸孫中山思想之研究與實踐學術研討會」, 台北, 研討會論文
2004"2005年兩岸關係之挑戰與突破" , 「遠景基金會論壇」, 台北, 研討會論文
2004"兩岸文教交流的現況與展望", 「兩岸交流研討會」, 桃園, 研討會論文
2003"兩岸下半年在國際組織互動的評估", 「大陸西部開發與兩岸政經社發展研討會」, 北京, 研討會論文
2003"三民主義與中國前途", 「三民主義大同盟日本地區年會」, 東京, 研討會論文
2003"兩岸下半年在國際組織互動的評估", 「兩岸政經交流展望」研討會, 台北, 研討會論文
2003"總統大選前兩岸在國際組織互動的評估", 「兩岸文史哲教育與政經社發展研討會」, 台北, 研討會論文
2002"加入WTO後的兩岸關係", 「第十一屆海峽兩岸關係學術研討會」, 青島, 研討會論文
2002"台灣政治情勢的分析與展望", 「第三屆歐華年會」, 巴黎, 研討會論文
2001"當前兩岸關係的困境與出路", 第二十二屆中韓學者會議」, 漢城, 研討會論文
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2001 "論國民黨的邦聯構想", 「新世紀港澳台關係研討會」, 北京, 研討會論文
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2000 "兩岸國﹙初﹚中公民教育現況之比較研究", 「二十一世紀『公民與道德教育』學術研討會」, 台北, 研討會論文
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1997The Origin of Taiwan’s Local Election and Transformation of State-Society Relations, Grass Roots Democracy on Both Sides of the Taiwan Strait, 研討會論文, 1997-01-01-1997-01-01
1997徐永明, 搜尋臺灣民眾統獨態度的動力:政治說服與民主論辯, 第四屆臺灣政治學會年會學術研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 1997-01-01-1997-01-01
1997"國民中學「公民與道德」教學的檢討與規劃", 「師資培育機構國民中學分科教材教法研討會」, 南投, 研討會論文
1995社會網絡動員與投票取向:民國八十二年臺中市長選舉的分析, 國科會政治學門專題研究計畫成果發表研討會, 台北, , 1995-01-01-1995-01-01
1995從臺大學生對當前國家結構的價值取向論憲法與立國精神教育~一項工農學院學生修課前的調查研究, 中山學說與兩岸關係學術研討會, 臺北, 研討會論文, 1995-01-01-1995-01-01
1994蔣經國後時代國民黨中央派系政治, 臺灣政治學會第一屆年會學術研討會, 台北, , 1994-12-17-1994-12-18
1994國民黨政權與宜蘭地方派系的發展, 宜蘭研究學術研討會, 宜蘭, 會議論文, 1994-10-19-1994-10-19
1994尋找被派系動員的選民, 民主化、政黨政治與選舉學術研討會, 台北, , 1994-07-08-1994-07-08
1993選民的選舉參與行為, 選舉行為、憲政秩序與政治變遷研討會, 台北, 研討會論文, 1993-01-20-1993-01-20
1992臺灣地區政商關係之演變, 企業社會倫理與合理政商關係之建立研討會, 臺北, 會議論文, 1992-01-01-1992-01-20